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Title: | 標準必要專利權利金爭議之探討 A Study on Standard Essential Patents and the Reasonable Royalties |
Authors: | 陳俐妤 Chen, Li Yu |
Contributors: | 馮震宇 陳俐妤 Chen, Li Yu |
Keywords: | 標準必要專利(SEPs) F/RAND承諾 合理權利金 標準制定組織(SSOs) 專利聯盟 假設性雙邊協商 Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) F/RAND commitment Reasonable Royalty Standard Setting Organizations (SSOs) Patent Pool Hypothetical Bilateral Negotiation |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-08-25 15:32:52 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 所謂產業標準,除以其集體制定的特質引發競爭法討論之外,其中牽涉的專利技術更成為智慧財產權法與競爭法交集的重點所在,因為專利權所對應的私有、排他的概念在本質上即可能與講求普遍實施的產業標準發生衝突,進而有害市場競爭,且此種隱憂於標準必要專利(Standard Essential Patents, SEPs)之場合更形凸顯。正因如此,實務上標準制定組織(Standard Setting Organizations, SSOs)紛紛制定智財權政策(IP Policy),要求專利被納入標準的專利權人承諾按照「RAND」或「FRAND」的原則進行授權,亦即要求專利權人將標準所必要的專利技術以公平(Fair)、合理(Reasonable)、非歧視(Non-Discriminatory)的授權方式開放予欲採行標準的廣大利用人。 然而觀諸近年來一件又一件環繞RAND或FRAND而來的爭執,例如Apple、Microsoft與Motorola這些重量級廠商之間的專利戰爭,以及瑞昱、友訊等台灣業者於美國國際貿易委員會(ITC)或地方法院所涉入的司法爭訟,卻會發現起初用以化解矛盾的機制如今反成為問題的濫觴,縱使不是作繭自縛,這種授權承諾在實務運作上也已經陷入困境。尤其,不論RAND或FRAND,其制度設計之初乃著眼於專利權人與標準利用人間技術授權的順暢,但到頭來如何將基於此一制度而來的授權承諾具體化為標準必要專利之權利金,卻是難解的謎團。 職是之故,面對現行實務的運作困難,本文先對上述現象予以釐清之外,更聚焦有關RAND或FRAND權利金具體爭執的案件,綜述目前此類紛爭之解決模式,除從司法判決分析法院對於標準必要專利權利金決定方法的架構,並分別從程序面向與實體面向進一步檢視,探討專利聯盟與仲裁等紛爭解決管道之可行性,以及具體計算權利金之判斷重心,以尋求困境之突破。文末則提出具體結論與建議,期能藉有效的權利金判斷方式訴諸專利權人與標準利用人之平衡,將標準必要專利導回其運作常軌,業者於此國際趨勢下也能為妥善之因應與佈局,以最終發揮專利法與競爭法共同追求的增進消費者福利的最高宗旨。 Industrial development relies heavily on widely adopted technology standards due to their deep influence across the marketplace. Yet the so-called standards, which frequently invoke anti-trust issues in view of their collaborative setting process, further become a touchstone to the overlapping areas of anti-trust law and patent law because of those proprietary patented technologies involved in. Among the market concerns over potential conflict between the exclusive nature of patent rights and the disseminative feature of standards, the availability of standard essential patents (SEPs) can be deemed most controversial. Accordingly, many Standard Setting Organizations (SSOs) require owners of those SEPs to commit to offer licenses on Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (F/RAND) terms, aiming to make it possible for manufacturers to gain access to those patented technologies and therefore implement the standard. However, recent lawsuits such as those filed between Apple, Microsoft and Motorola in the U.S. courts may demonstrate the deficiency and ineffectiveness of the existing policy. Even Taiwanese companies have raised questions with respect to, inter alia, the interpretation of the F/RAND commitments in terms of reasonable royalty rates, in some court cases as well. It is obvious that the F/RAND commitment required to address controversy has itself become one of the most disputed issues in the circumstances of SEPs licensing. This thesis therefore not only discusses the issues mentioned above but also focuses on a couple of lawsuits associated with the practical interpretation of the F/RAND commitments. In addition to the analysis of the current problem-solving model and its subsequent cruxes, the following content proceeds to explore some possible methodologies in respect of both procedural and substantial fields in order to break the gridlock. Finally, conclusion and suggestion are proposed with the intention of providing effective and proper royalty determination of F/RAND-encumbered SEPs to balance patent owners and technology implementers in standard setting activities; hence justifying the mutual objective of anti-trust law and patent law, i.e. promoting consumer benefit. |
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科技產業資訊室,專利情報: http://cdnet.stpi.narl.org.tw/techroom/pclass/main_pclass.htm AVS工作組:http://www.avs.org.cn/
3GPP: http://www.3gpp.org/ DOJ: http://www.justice.gov/ EISI: http://www.etsi.org/ FTC: http://www.ftc.gov/ IEEE: http://standards.ieee.org/ ISO: http://www.iso.org/iso/home.htm ITU: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/Pages/default.aspx JAMS, ADR Glossary: http://www.jamsadr.com/adr-glossary/ PATENT FREEDOM: https://www.patentfreedom.com/ USITC: http://www.usitc.gov/ USPTO: http://www.uspto.gov/ VITA: http://www.vita.com/ WIPO: http://www.wipo.int/portal/en/index.html |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 101361004 102 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101361004 |
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