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    Title: 新加坡的金融中心發展-內部與外部因素
    Singapore’s Financial Cluster in Light with Internal and External Forces
    Authors: 何杰鴻
    Jerome Jean Maurice Hernad
    Contributors: 姜家雄
    Alex Chiang
    Jerome Jean Maurice Hernad
    Keywords: Singapore
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-07-14 11:33:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 新加坡共和國(以下簡稱新加坡)長期以來致力推動該國金融產業的自主性發展,並強化該產業成為國家經濟動能的要角。
    本文所採用的分析期間從新加坡啟動金融業自由化開始的1999年,截至2014年為止;而在分析架構方面,我們採用Michael Porter的產業鑽石模型來勾勒出新加坡金融業的產業競爭優勢。
    The Republic of Singapore has long had a voluntary policy of developing its financial sector, and making it an essential part of its economy.
    This thesis aims at filling in the gaps of the current knowledge about Singapore’s financial cluster, through an in-depth analysis of Singapore’s unique set of banking and financial regulations, and recent developments that include the education of financial managers, the rise of Islamic finance, and the internationalization of the Renminbi.
    The time frame used to analyze it spans from the liberalization of Singapore’s financial and banking sector, which started in 1999, till 2014. The framework of Porter’s ‘Diamond model’ has been used to outline the strength, and weaknesses of the financial cluster.
    Shortcomings and successes of Singapore’s financial cluster have been evaluated by analyzing primary sources available, and by examining the local environment.
    Singapore’s financial cluster still lacks critical mass in comparison to that of its rival, Hong Kong. Furthermore, weaknesses remain in regards to the educational level of financial and banking managers.
    The recent developments to set Singapore as an offshore Renminbi center can only be acclaimed, however its main focus on the People’s Republic of China, needs to be broadened, to include the overall Southeast Asian region.
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