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Title: | 二類電訊服務業發展新策略 - 以 A 公司為例 Type II telecommunications service industry to develop new strategies - |
Authors: | 周承淞 Chou, Cheng Sung |
Contributors: | 季延平 Chi, Yan Ping 周承淞 Chou, Cheng Sung |
Keywords: | 電信產業 固網 一類電信 二類電信 產業供應鏈 VOIP & Skype 4G/LTE Telecommunication Industry Fixed-line Type I Telecommunications Type II Telecommunications Industrial supply chain VOIP & Skype 4G/LTE |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-06-04 14:44:12 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2011年全球行動通訊用戶為58億戶,年成長率為11.4%,其中GSM用戶所占比
重仍為最高,約占72%。預估2015年全球行動通訊用戶將達到75億戶,雖然GSM所占比重仍為最高,但已下降為56%。 從2008~2015年全球行動通訊用戶所使用的技術來看,2G所占比重正逐漸下滑,取而代之的為3G/3.5G和4G,這也顯示出行動數據服務需求正快速成長。
1、電信服務產業總體營收2013年又創高峰,且在2013年底釋出 4G執照,預期各電信業者將在2016年推出成熟的4G服務,如何在4G世代提供獲利服務模式,是電信業者未來的重點議題。
2、依二類電信業者的經驗及核心能力提供可能的經營模式建議,從服務內容上豐富自身的業務,用高品質的業務吸引用戶;向產業鏈上游發展,走多元化的“精品路線”,能夠讓自身的品牌在短時間內迅速建立起來,奠定自己在業內的地位。盡可能的多為用戶提供原創的、差異化的內容,從而為使用者帶來差異化、多樣化的用戶體驗。例如: 加值服務商的經營模式,提供資訊基礎委外和統合通訊的服務;提供企業用戶整合式的VoIP、多媒體通訊、及協同互動通訊服務;二類電信業者可根據其經營模式的產業供應鏈選擇上、下游策略夥伴,協調成員間的分工,發揮價值創造的最大綜效。 There are over 5.8 billion global mobile users in 2011, the annual rate is 11.4%, and the GSM users remain the highest proportion, almost 72%. The forecast of mobile users will be 7.5 billion in 2015. Although the GSM users still highest proportion, the ratio dropped to 56%. 2G user is declining gradually from 2008 to 2015 mobile user technology factor, replaced by 3G/3.5G/4G, also shows the demand for mobile data request is growing rapidly.
The research analyzes current status of telecommunication industry of domestic market, structure and bottleneck of the industry. Moreover the new technology of 4G/LTE might be impact the innovative services and business model, and provide proper business model for Type II Telecommunications carriers. To explore the case study for Type II Telecommunications’ characteristics of the carrier, key business focus, and the position in the industry, opportunities and resources. How to set its strategy for create service value, and the target of company sustainable operation.
Findings of the research are summarized as following:
1. The general revenue of telecommunication industry in 2013 is hit the peak. In the end of 2013, 4G license been released, and telecommunication carriers will provide 4G service in 2016, meanwhile how 4G generation provide profit service model will be the key issue in the near future.
2. On the basis of their experience and core power of Type II Telecommunication carrier can recommend the business model and strategy. To enrich their own business with high quality services to attract their customer. Upstream industry supplier chain development, and to build up their own brand in the short time, and set their position in the industry.
To provide both original and differentiated content as much as possible, and bring them diversified customer experience. For example: value-added service provider business model, information infrastructure outsourcing and unified communication service; to provide enterprise user interaction VOIP, multimedia communication and interactive communications and collaboration services; Refer to their business model , Type II telecommunication carrier can choice their strategic partners also coordinate divide the work among members, exert the greatest synergy of value creation 第一章 研究緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與流程 3
第三節 研究範圍與限制 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 二類電訊服務業之探討 7
第二節 全球電信業市場發展之探討 13
第三節 電信業競爭策略與服務創新發展之探討 23
第三章 研究架構與方法 49
第一節 研究架構 49
第二節 研究方法 50
第四章 個案分析 55
第一節 個案內外環境之說明(A公司基本介紹) 55
第二節 個案營運現況之分析 60
第三節 個案未來發展之分析 66
第五章 結論及建議 77
第一節 結論 77
第二節 建議 80
參考文獻 81 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 101932418 102 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101932418 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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