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Title: | 總統黨的形成與裂解:韓國民主化後進步政黨的分合 The Rise and Fall of Presidentialized Parties: Why Progressive Parties Split and Merged in South Korea after Democratization? |
Authors: | 曲元寧 Chu, Yuan Ning |
Contributors: | 黃長玲 楊婉瑩 Huang, Chang Ling Yang, Wan Ying 曲元寧 Chu, Yuan Ning |
Keywords: | 韓國 政黨 選舉 總統黨 政黨重組 South Korea Political Parties Elections Presidentialized Parties Splits and Mergers of Parties |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-04-01 11:22:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 韓國政黨自1980年代末期民主化以來,歷經了多次的政黨變動,包括更換黨名、合併他黨,甚至是甘願被他黨合併而解散,且就連執政黨也不斷發生類似的情形。在既有的各種解釋之中,部分學者認為,韓國執政黨的變動,與「總統黨」的現象相關。韓國政黨主要為總統個人服務,「總統黨」通常是在總統的主導之下而建立,總統建立總統黨的過程,導致執政黨不斷變動。 與既有研究不同,本研究具體化「總統黨」的概念。在韓國的政治制度之下,總統無法掌握民意、無法掌握國會時,在總統權力受限的情況下,執政黨較可能會發生組織上的變動;反之,若總統民調滿意度高、掌握國會程度高時,總統權力較大,執政黨因而較為穩定。依此,可以解釋為什麼韓國進步政黨與保守政黨執政期間,政黨變動的情形有所差異。透過大量的實證研究,本論文發現,進步政黨執政時,即金大中、盧武鉉任內,總統民調滿意度持續低迷,且同黨議員的國會席次,比保守政黨執政時來得更少,可能因而發生較劇烈的政黨變動。最後,本研究亦從保守政黨的情形,推估該理論的適用範圍,並採用李明博任內的政黨變動情形,作為比較。在李明博民調滿意度高、同黨國會席次過半時,執政黨維持穩定,但在民調滑落時,執政黨便發生變動,符合本研究的論證,推測韓國執政黨的變動,確實與總統個人的權力大小相關。 Ever since the country’s democratization in the late 1980s, political parties in South Korea have been repeatedly splitting and merging with one another. While ruling parties in general tend to be more stable under the presidential system, in South Korea, they are prone to dramatic organizational changes. Existing literature argues that regional cleavages, presidential leadership and electoral institutions have contributed to these party reorganizations. However, it fails to explain why progressive parties have been less stable than conservative parties when in government. This study argues that the rise and fall of presidential power can lead to splits and mergers in the ruling parties in South Korea. Specifically, when a president is facing a divided government and suffering from low public support, the ruling party is likely to be unstable. To support my claim, I begin with two case studies of the ruling party’s splitting and merging under Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun’s progressive governments from 1998-2008. I also compare the situations of Kim and Roh’s parties with those of the conservative ruling party led by Lee Myung-bak from 2008-2012. I conclude that progressive parties have been less stable because their presidents have faced divided government more frequently and have gained less presidential approval. The organizational stability of a ruling party in South Korea is highly relevant with the president’s power in terms of popularity and legislative seats. |
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