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    Title: 社會資本與吸收能力的移轉:以台灣傳統產業的家族企業接班者為例
    The transfer of social capital and absorptive capability: Taiwanese family business successoes as a example
    Authors: 張立中
    Chang,Li Chung
    Contributors: 張逸民
    Chang,Yet Ming
    Chang,Li Chung
    Keywords: 家族企業
    family business
    social capital
    absorptive capability
    transfer pattern and types
    multi-case study
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-02-10 14:46:39 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 以往「社會資本」與「吸收能力」的研究較少將重心放在「移轉(過程)」與其「類型(內涵)」的探究。本研究透過「社會資本」與「吸收能力」的理論視角,延伸到「移轉」並以台灣成功接班的家族企業為例,以探索出「移轉的模式與類型」。
    Previous studies rarely emphasized the transfer of social capital and absorptive capability. This study developed a pattern of social capital and absorptive capability to extend to the field of transfer to explore its pattern and types from the successful successor cases of family business in Taiwanese traditional industry
    Based on the multi-case study design, this research conclude a general transfer pattern and three transfer types to explain how social capital and absorptive capability successfully transfer to next generation. The pattern includes 4 stages: at the contact stage, succession environmental will positively influence the desire of entering the family business network. At entry stage, successor’s development of network of last generation will positively influence the development of network of both generation. At transfer stage, development of network will positively influence the transfer of social capital and knowledge. At harvest stage, the social capital and knowledge transferred will positively influence the outcome of innovation. Moreover, 3 types are (1) task-driven partial transfer, (2) relationship-driven full transfer and (3) brand-driven mixture transfer. Finally, this research concludes four transfer strategies of succession.
    Based on the research findings, this research contributes and fills the gap of transfer theory of social capital and absorptive capability, Besides, the three types of transfer are also the transfer pattern under the influence of three (eastern, western and mixed) cultural background which are rarely discussed by previous studies.
    In implication, incumbents wanting to transfer social capital and absorptive capability to next generation can adopt the pattern, besides, incumbents also need to understand successors’ personality (task-, relationship- or brand-driven) to adopt the most suitable type to most effetely carry forward family business.
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