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Title: | 俄羅斯婦女的政治參與─以國家杜馬為例 Political participation of Russian women: the case of state Duma |
Authors: | 曾冠綸 |
Contributors: | 林永芳 曾冠綸 |
Keywords: | 女性代表背景 政治文化 政治參與 俄羅斯婦女 國家杜馬 The Background of Female Deputies Political Culture Political Participation Russian Women State Duma |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2013-10-01 14:34:19 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 以學者Pamela Paxton對於「女性參與民主」的形式作為本研究的主軸──依照參與程度劃分了「正式的代表性」、「書面上的代表性」、「實質上的代表性」這三種層次。作者藉由Paxton的研究成果作為研究途徑,並參考文獻資料、統計數據、新聞報導,及國際組織之研究報告,對俄羅斯婦女參與國家杜馬運作的情形進行分析與研究。 本論文的內容劃分成三大部分:首先概括性從全球各區域及後共歐洲國家的國會女性代表現況作為開頭,再以Paxton對於「女性參與民主」的形式來檢視俄羅斯國家杜馬當中的女性代表參與程度。第二部分將以「微觀」的角度來探討歷屆國家杜馬女性代表的背景研究,包含:當選年齡、教育程度及職業背景、委員會的選擇,以統計數據及表格的方式來探討其特性及變化趨勢。最後的部分,探究了國家杜馬女性代表的貢獻與困境,當中以提升婦女權利的法案制定與列出表現傑出的女性代表以肯定女性代表的貢獻;再由「選舉制度與政黨」與「政治文化」兩種面相來探討俄羅斯婦女投身於國家杜馬選舉時所面臨的困境。 整體而言,俄羅斯國家杜馬當中的女性代表需要更積極性的替廣大的俄羅斯女性制訂出對她們有益與利的相關法案,並且也需要積極地改變父權觀點,進一步改變傳統的角色定位,以能發揮影響俄羅斯政治圈及社會的力量。 The main approach of the thesis is Pamela Paxton’s research for “women`s representation in democracy”. In Paxton’s view, there are three levels of different degrees of representation: formal representation, descriptive representation, and substantive representation. With the purpose to analyse the the contempoary situation and trend of Russian women’s political participation in State Duma, so this thesis is composed of literatures, statistics, Russian news websites, and reports from international research institutions. This thesis is divided for three main topics: At first, the article starts from general introduction of global and Post-Communist Europe women political participation in the parliaments. The second part is with “microcosmic” way to review the background of female deputies of State Duma from the first convocation (in 1993) to the sixth convocation (in 2011), inclusive of age, the educational level, occupation before being elected, and committees choosing. The final part discusses contributes and predicaments of Russian female deputies of State Duma. Generally speaking, the female deputies of State Duma have to be more positive to legislate for bringing benefits to a large number of Russian women. Moreover, they also have to be more positive to overcome the viewpoint and redirect the gender role from traditional political culture of patriarchy society. Therefore, the female deputies of State Duma will have more influences on the Russian politics and society. |
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