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Title: | LED產業之專利佈局分析研究-以大尺吋液晶TV背光源技術為例 Studying on patent analysis of light emitting industry-an empirical study of backlight source for LCD TV |
Authors: | 黃佩君 |
Contributors: | 劉江彬 邱仁鈿 黃佩君 |
Keywords: | 半導體照明 發光二極體 LED背光源液晶電視 |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-05 14:45:34 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 知識經濟時代的來臨,對於智慧財產之知識管理成為產業經營皆須重視的一項投入工作,無論國家、政府或產業界均以其擁有之智慧資產作為衡量未來競爭力的指標;其中又以專利代表的技術創新能力備受矚目。雖有許多衡量產業發展的方法,但由於近年來對專利資訊的利用,可用來支援經營管理與商業策略的參考,因此專利分析亦成為產業界的重要工具,不僅高科技產業希望能經由專利技術之分析確實反映產業的技術現況,政策制訂者亦以此作為衡量創新研發成果與科技發展方向的依據。因此,對台灣LED產業發展而言,當務之急除致力技術研發以及累積自身專利之保護傘外,如何藉由專利所提供的訊息瞭解當今產業技術現況,以作為輔助企業決策者參考用,成為相當重要的課題。
基於上述之說明,本研究以智慧資源規劃 ( Intelligence Resources Planning , IRP ) 之觀念及方法進行,首先以LED產業之產業結構為背景,透過產業結構、技術結構、產品結構先了解整個產業上、中、下游間的關係,藉由產業鏈的分析蒐集與檢索該產業中技術領導公司相關之專利,進而了解其技術現況以及專利佈署情形等資訊,以作為進行下列研究分析用: 1. 市場佈局概況掌握 透過專利檢索找出其對應於該產業內各公司技術分佈及產業鏈位置,了解各領先廠商所擁有之技術與產品或有新興的潛在競爭者以及未來可切入利基點等。 2. 專利佈局之分析研究 利用產業鏈上的廠商分佈,進一步檢索其專利,並透過專利檢索的分析結果,用以分析每個公司於哪一個年度、哪些區域佈署哪些專利,並以產品/技術結構為基礎,分析產業鏈上廠商對應產品/技術結構的專利分佈,了解LED產業中領先廠商於各國專利佈局狀況,以及個廠商的產品發展情形。再由不同年代對應產品技術結構所產生的專利分佈,進而得知每個公司的專利佈署以及技術發展。除此之外,本研究更以現LED產業於技術發展所遇問題,例如增加LED光取出之技術方式,以該產業上主要領先的廠商為主進行檢索,進而整合產業調查與專利分析成果作為LED 專利分析資料庫,完整掌握LED產業的產業及專利資訊,提供國內廠商未來進行研發工作與專利佈局策略之參考。
故本研究主要以LED產業結構,以及連結LED產業的專利檢索調研與分析,了解LED產業中領先廠商所擁有的專利技術分佈矩陣分析,進而提出台灣LED廠商於專利佈署上之機會,以及建議台灣LED廠商可充分運用智慧財產之各種形態、群集、組合及區域佈署,進行全球之專利佈局,完整的專利佈署除可作為自身的保護傘外,也可免於國外大廠的專利威脅,進而也可讓自己在市場上佔有一席之地。 Intellectual Property management becomes an important issue for business management in the age of knowledge-based economy. It is an indicator concerning the evaluation on potential competency of a country, government or industry. Management of Patent, which is deeply involved with technology innovation ability, is especially highlighted. Patent information, among many evaluation methods for industrial development, is used as reference for business management and strategy in recent years. Hence, patent analysis become an important tool for industry. High-tech industry depend on patent analysis to mirror updated technology development while policy makers take it to evaluate R&D results and direct technology developments. Therefore, it is significant for Taiwan LED industry to know updated technology developments and make business strategy through patent information, other than the R&D investments and accumulation of patent barriers. Thus, this thesis focuses on the patent strategy in LED industry, specifically on the case study of white LEDs applied in large LCD Backlights. The research will follow the IPR theory (Intellectual Resource Planning) to analyze intellectual property from the perspective of industrial structure. IP management should be built upon the interconnection of industries and is highly involved with the industrial supply chain and value chain. IP management need to systematically intertwines intellectual property and every aspect in industrial management to develop intangible assets of a value equal to or higher than tangible assets. The research begins with the construction of supply chain in LED industry through patent analysis on the technology of leading companies to provide a clear picture of the current status of technology and patent mapping. Such research can provide information as follows: 1. Market plan Patent search will show different companies’ technology distribution and positions in the supply chain. It can offer a better understanding for leading companies’ technology and products as well as possible new competitors and potential niche in the market. 2. Patent map Patent search will show the date and area of patent applications of different companies. Through a geographical and historical analysis, the patent map and technology development of different companies in the supply chain can be revealed. Besides, the thesis will focus on R&D problems in LED industry, for example, technology to increase extraction efficiency. The research will search patents of the leading companies and integrate industry survey and patent analysis to construct a LED patent analysis database. Through offering complete industrial and patent information in LED industry, the research can provide a reference for domestic companies to develop technology and patent strategy. The thesis will combine the industrial chain research and patent analysis in LED industry, further elaborating the patent and technology matrix analysis on the leading companies. It will propose some patent tactics for Taiwan LED companies to fully utilize every aspect of intellectual property to construct a global strategy. A complete patent map can offer better protection against international enterprises and achieve a preferable position in the market. |
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