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Title: | 1960年代《台灣青年》的民族主義論述 The national discourse of Taiwan Chinlian in1960`s |
Authors: | 嚴婉玲 Yen, Wan Ling |
Contributors: | 陳翠蓮 Chen, Cui Lian 嚴婉玲 Yen, Wan Ling |
Keywords: | 民族主義 海外台獨運動 《台灣青年》 nationalism The Overseas Taiwanese Independence Movement Taiwan Chinglian |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-03 13:37:17 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 日本系統的台獨運動在1950年代發端至1960年代由台灣青年社扛起大旗並引領、啟蒙世界各地的台灣留學生,在1970年代交棒,台獨運動的重心轉至美國。在這樣一個運動興衰的過程中,台灣青年社無疑扮演了 「銜接與轉換點」的關鍵角色。《台灣青年》作為台灣青年社的機關刊物,更承擔起論述台灣民族主義的重責大任。《台灣青年》所呈現的台灣民族主義面貌,在對外的界線上,劃出了中國人與台灣人的清楚鴻溝,但包納了在海外的台僑,在對內的界線上,曖昧的區分出原住民與漢人,但對閩客問題卻未有更多的討論。在 「台灣人」的內涵中,《台灣青年》試圖以多種方式定義台灣人,有從族群演變的觀點,也有從歷史事實的分隔點,更試圖直接探討抽象理論,希望找到清楚定義的嘗試。而對於台灣人過去的書寫,具有代表性的「列傳」專欄,卻呈現出立場跳動的問題,最後草草收場。在觀察史明等人的共同體論述後,大致可以認定,《台灣青年》主張台灣人意識與中國人意識從未重疊發展,而是在不同的空間下各自發展,而當台灣在日本統治下發展出具近代性意義的共同體意識時,中國卻尚未形成,這也是兩者無法消弭的界線。而台灣的現在到未來,《台灣青年》也持續不斷的觀察、思考與想像。在國際上,他們堅持要求尊重台灣人民族自決的權利,進而創造出一中一台的國際空間,在國內,他們針貶時政,並在海外對島內的政治反對運動遙相呼應,同時以清晰的表達台灣民族主義運動的立場來為將來定調。 The Taiwan independent movement in Japan launched from 1950’s.During 1960’s ,it was lead by Taiwan Chinglian(Youth) Association, to inspire Taiwanese students studying abroad worldwide. Until 1970’s the independent movement was transported from Japan to America. From 1960’s to 1970’s, Taiwan Chinglian(Youth) Association played a key role .Taiwan Chinglian , as a journal of Taiwan Chinglian(Youth) Association, took the great responsibility of defining and explaining the meaning of Taiwanese Nationalism.First of all, The defining made by Taiwan Chinglian , it clearly told the difference of Chinese and Taiwanese, but including overseas Taiwanese .Second, it not apparently told the difference of aborigine and Han people , and did not discuss the difference of the problem between Minnan people and Hakka people .In the contents of Taiwanese , Taiwan Chinglian tried to use variety approaches to define Taiwanese, someone defined it from the changing of folk ,someone defined from confirming the turning point of historical truth ,and someone even tried to discuss the abstract theory . In explanation of Taiwan history ,the representative column ‘Biography(列傳)’ failed to find the same standard to define Taiwanese. After observing the community discourse of Su-Bing and the others, we can find that they considered Taiwanese awareness and Chinese awareness has never engaged and developed in different spaces. When Taiwanese had developed the modern community consciousness under Japan’s domination , Chinese modern community consciousness had not yet .And that is the line between Taiwanese and Chinese that can not be erased. In 1960’s ,Taiwan Chinglian continued to observe and imagine the exist and the future of Taiwanese. About international affair , they demanded other countries to respect the Taiwanese right of national self-determination , and claim one China and one Taiwan . They discussed and cared about the politics and democracy activities on the inside of Taiwan . and clearly stated the stand point of Taiwanese nationalism activity to define the future of Taiwan. |
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