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    Title: 政府網站資訊公開的委託代理分析
    A principal-agent analysis of government websites information disclosure
    Authors: 羅晉
    Lo, Chin
    Contributors: 施能傑

    Lo, Chin
    Keywords: 政府資訊公開
    freedom of information
    principal-agent theory
    government websites
    performance evaluation
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-03 11:57:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,國際間政府推動資訊公開蔚為風潮,伴隨著資訊通信科技的發展,電子化政府和政府網站更普遍被各界視為一個低成本且高效率的透明化途徑。台灣的政府網站長期受到國際間高度評價,在發展中國家更是名列前茅。然而,既有的研究與調查大多數僅片面側重於政府供給面的探究,通常以化約且可標準化的指標來評鑑特定政府網站的介面資訊功能。相形之下,鮮少有關注民眾的需求認知、機關政策執行以及網站內容評估等較全面的研究成果供參。因而無法更深入地釐清政府網站、法制和政策執行績效不彰等困境與透明化治理之間的關聯。
    In recent years, governments from around the world have adopted Freedom of Information Act to increase transparency in their governance. With advancements in information and communication technologies (ICTs), e-Government has been seen as a cost-effective and possible mean to promote openness and transparency.
    Taiwan’s efforts to develop e-Government services have been well-recognized; especially, have made remarkable advantages among developing countries. Nevertheless, most of the existing researches in evaluating e-Government service are based on supply-side indicators and often assess websites alone; as yet, little information is available on the demand aspect of e-Government.
    The paper aims to explore the potential and practice of government website information disclosure in terms of the perspective of end user and government agencies. The results show the significance of three aspects in information disclosure of Taiwanese government websites through the application of quantitative and qualitative methodology, including self-administered questionnaire, website evaluation, individual interview, and focus group interview. First, government website information disclosure benefits the revelation of government information, manifestation of multi-agent relationships in internal and external governance of government, and alleviation of partial ageny problems. Second, government website information disclosure enhances revealing and measuring the performance of government agencies; nevertheless, in which the effectiveness is limited due to the absence of institutional incentives. Third, under the circumstances of unsound institution, the effectiveness of accountability has difficulties to be thoroughly realized through government website information disclosure.
    In sum, the finding contributes to a valuable reference for other countries in implementing information transparency of e-Government, and has significant implications for policy makers, government agencies, and system designers.
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