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Title: | 基層行政人員角色與衝突-以臺北市交通事件裁決所為例 The Role and Conflict of the Street-level Administrators–A Case Study of Traffic Adjudication Office, Taipei City Government |
Authors: | 宋秀英 Sung, Hsiu Ying |
Contributors: | 蕭武桐 Xiao, Wu Tong 宋秀英 Sung, Hsiu Ying |
Keywords: | 基層官僚 角色 衝突 基層官僚之角色衝突 Street Level Bureaucrats Role Conflict Role Conflict of Street Level Bureaucrats |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-06-03 17:33:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 摘要
爾來民意不斷擴張,政府為了獲得民眾支持,在施行政策時開啓便民之門,基層行政人員的角色因此面臨到嚴苛挑戰。其在執行政策時,通常必須在當場就立即做出決定,當當事人認為有不公平的情況時,不論是真實存在的不公平或是他們認知上的不公平,都可能會引發不滿,因此基層行政人員與民眾互動衍生衝突是日趨頻繁。 本研究主要以深入訪談及參與觀察法的方式,探討基層行政人員在所處環境系絡中,對自己角色的認知,以及外部環境服務對象對其角色的看法,在基層工作環境中可能引起衝突的原因。 經實證分析結果,發現基層行政人員對自己的角色認知是清楚的,瞭解自己行使的處分是為手段之一,並期望透過此手段作出正當性的裁處。至於工作中引起衝突的原因有:個人因素、組織因素、溝通因素等三大因素。 本研究主要目的在於找出引起衝突的因素,再提出對組織及人員的建議,期能對組織及後續研究者有所助益。 With an increase in public opinions recently, the government has opened the door for convenience of the people to win support from them. Therefore, the role of street-level administrators faces severe challenges. They usually must make decisions immediately on the spot while implementing policies. When parties involved think there is inequality, whether it really exists in fact or in their cognition, it’s likely to give rise to dissatisfaction. Therefore, conflicts caused by interactions between street-level administrators and the common people become more frequent. This research mainly employs in-depth interview and participant observation method to discuss street-level administrators’ cognition of their roles in this environment, their service objects’ opinions towards their roles and the possible causes of conflicts in the street level working environment. The results of the empirical analysis find that street-level administrators have a clear understanding of their roles. They know that the disciplinary action they take is one of the means and expect to make rightful decisions through this means. There are three major factors that cause conflicts in work, namely, personal factor, organizational factor and communication factor. This research mainly aims to find out the factors that cause conflicts and give suggestions to the organization and personnel, hoping that it can help the organization and future researchers.
Keywords: Street Level Bureaucrats; Role; Conflict; Role Conflict of Street Level Bureaucrats |
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