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Title: | 台灣創業競賽成效研究-以守門機制觀點 The study of business plan competition in Taiwan - from the perspecture of gatekeeping |
Authors: | 江育勝 Jiang, Yu Sheng |
Contributors: | 溫肇東 Wen, Chao Tung 江育勝 Jiang, Yu Sheng |
Keywords: | 守門機制 創業競賽 創業教育 Gatekeeping Mechanisms Entrepreneurship Competition Entrepreneurship Education |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2013-02-01 16:49:56 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國產業結構近年面臨轉變的契機,新的產業將以知識為核心,並透過創業 精神的發揮,讓創業家具備在知識經濟潮流中競爭的能力。校園創業教育透過教 授創業知識與技能,降低創業者、創業團隊的「風險」,有經驗的創業者或受過 良好教育的準創業者,將有能力提高其新創事業的存活能力。 創業教育始於百森商學院(Babson College),而麻省理工大學(MIT)將其發 揚光大,並在我國引起一陣創業競賽熱潮;回顧我國創業競賽的發展,始於1998 年研華文教基金會主辦的「Tic100科技創業競賽」,至今已14年,創業競賽提供 平台讓創意與創業精神得以發揮,在實現創業夢想的同時也培育下一代的創業人才。 因此,本研究藉由產業的「守門機制」理論,重新檢視我國創業競賽「競賽 實務」,透過以我國三大創業競賽:研華文教基金會TiC100 創新競賽、台灣工業 銀行We Win創業大賽以及時代基金會YEF國際青年創業領袖計畫為研究個案,進 而發現、瞭解創業競賽主辦單位如何透過設不同的「競賽目的」吸引參賽者投入 創意;進而決定不同的「守門流程」,以界定邊界、評選機制與篩選內容等作為 落實守門機制執行;引致差異化的「守門成果」,包含作品、人才與品牌經營, 爾後透過「競賽回饋」促使競賽本身發展與變革,追求競賽永續經營。 本研究所得的研究結論如下。 1. 創業競賽的「競賽目的」主要分為「選作品」、「選人才」或欲求「兩者得兼」。 2. 創業競賽的「競賽目的」影響「守門流程」之「界定邊界」設計。 3. 創業競賽的「競賽目的」影響「守門流程」之「評選機制」設計。 4. 創業競賽之「守門流程」設計之「評選機制」包含開放式設計與多元呈現形 式,對守門成果有決定性的影響,最終賽者與主辦單位將從創業競賽守門機 制得到較高之加值效果。 5. 創業競賽的「守門流程」之「篩選內容」設計,受「競賽目的」差異影響, 並導致不同的成果。 6. 創業競賽因其「競賽目的」的差異而有不同的「守門流程」設計,並產生符 合預期的「守門成果」,包含作品與人才;然而長期而言,守門成果的差異 卻不顯著。 7. 「競賽回饋」將影響競賽本身,並導致主辦單位調整「競賽目的」與「守門 流程」。 8. 創業競賽的參賽者挑選參賽議題受到大環境熱門議題的影響,進而影響守門 成果,最終導致創業競賽本身的發展與轉型。 Domestic industry in Taiwan faces the oppounity of change and the core of growing industry recently will be knowledge based. Through carrying the spirit of entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurs equip abilities to compete in the tred of knowledge economy. Entrepreneurship education in campus leads the entrepreneurs and their team, with teached knowledge and skills from that, to reduce the“risk”in starting new business. Which means that those who experienced or well-educated will have the ability to improve the viability of new ventures. Entrepreneurship education originated in Babson College and flourished in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) makes a burst of craze in Taiwan. The development of the entrepreneurship competition in Taiwan came from the “Tic 100” hold by the Advantech Foundation in 1998. The entrepreneurship competition provides a platform for creativity and the spirit of entrepreneurship and nurtue the next generation entrepreneurial talents during the travel of realizing their dreams. This study review and re-examine the development trace of the entrepreneurship competition in Taiwan based on the thory of the “Gatekeeping Mechanisms”and take the Top 3, include the “Tic 100”, the “We Win” and the”YEF”, as study cases. Through this study we will realize how the organizers of entrepreneurship competition set the diffenent “Purpose of Gatekeeping Mechanisms”, which results in diffenet “Procedure of Gatekeeping Mechanisms” (includes the “Boundary Defination”, “Selection Mechanisms” and the “Content filtering”), as the implementation of the “Gatekeeping Mechanism” to attract players putting creative into it.Finally the implementation leads the entrepreneurship competition to result in the different “Achievements of Gatekeeping Mechanisms”, includes works, personnel and the brand management, and promote the development and the changes of the competition itself to pursuit perpetual operation through the “Freedback of the Participants (includes the players and the mechanisms)”. The conclusions of this study can be summarized as below: 1. The “Purpose of gatekeeping mechanisms” in the entrepreneurship competition mainly includes the “Works Selection”, the “Personnel Selection” and the “Of both”. 2. The “Purpose of Gatekeeping Mechanisms” in the entrepreneurship competition influences the design of “The Demarcation” in “Procedure of Gatekeeping Mechanisms”. 3. The “Purpose of gatekeeping mechanisms” in the entrepreneurship competition influences the design of “The Selection Mechanisms” in “Procedure of Gatekeeping Mechanisms”. 4. The design of the “Selection Mechanisms”, includes the open design and the multi-rendering form in “Procedure of Gatekeeping Mechanisms” in the entrepreneurship competition, has decisive influence for the “Achievements of Gatekeeping Mechanisms”. Finally, the participants (includes the players and the mechanisms) will gain better value-add consequent in this way. 5. The design of the “Selection Mechanisms” in “Procedure of Gatekeeping Mechanisms” in the entrepreneurship competition influenced by the differences of the “Purpose of gatekeeping mechanisms” and leads to different achievement. 6. Different Purpose of Gatekeeping Mechanisms in entrepreneurship competition, includes the “Works Selection” and the “Personnel Selection”, builds different design for the “Procedure of Gatekeeping Mechanisms” and results in the expected “Achievements of Gatekeeping Mechanisms”. However, influence from different purpose of gatekeeping mechanisms to the “Achievements of Gatekeeping Mechanisms” has no significant difference in long term. 7. The “Freedback of the Participants (includes the players and the mechanisms)” in the entrepreneurship competition influences the competition itself and leads the organizers of the competition rearrange the “Purpose of Gatekeeping Mechanisms” and the “Procedure of Gatekeeping Mechanisms”. 8. The selectioned issue from the participants in the entrepreneurship competition which has strong relatection to the hot topic in macroeconomics influences the “Achievements of Gatekeeping Mechanisms” and leads the development and transformation of the competition itself eventually. |
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