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Title: | 環境意識、消費態度與綠色消費關聯之研究─以新北市環保志工為例 The relationship between environmental consciousness, consumer attitude and green consumption: a case study of environmental volunteers in New Taipei City |
Authors: | 林宜香 |
Contributors: | 蕭武桐 林宜香 |
Keywords: | 環境意識 消費態度 綠色消費 環保志工 Environmental consciousness Consumer attitude Green consumption Environmental volunteers |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-12-03 11:30:17 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 全球各地出現許多警訊,顯示我們已經進入氣候變遷的年代。台灣近五十年來經濟快速成長,國民所得大幅提高,但在追求經濟高速成長的過程中,卻忽略了環境的保護,使這美麗之島環境迭遭污染,自然生態也被嚴重破壞。1992年聯合國於巴西召開「聯合國環境及發展會議」,通過「21世紀議程(Agenda 21)」,並於第四章「改變消費形態」中提出「促進減少環境壓力和符合人類基本需要的消費和生產形態」,認為要達到環境素質和永續發展的目標,就需要提升生產效率和改變消費形態,以便最妥善地利用資源和盡量減少浪費。而綠色消費的觀念,正是改變消費模式,以降低天然資源、毒性物質之使用及污染物排放,其目的在追求更佳之生活品質並不影響後代子孫的權益。 本研究主要探討新北市環保志工環境意識、消費態度與綠色消費之關聯,根據研究目的,並經由文獻探討、問卷調查及深度訪談的綜合分析,來瞭解環保志工對於綠色消費之態度與環保標章產品購買意願。 本研究發現:環境意識與綠色消費具有顯著正相關,消費態度與綠色消費具有顯著正相關。環保志工的環境意識及對環境的敏感度都高於一般民眾,尤其女性志工因心思細膩,所以環境敏感度更優於男性。本研究最後在政策執行層面提出了短、中、長程的建議,提供政府機關參考。
關鍵字:環境意識、消費態度、綠色消費、環保志工 A lot of alarm signals have shown globally that we are entering an age of climate changing. Taiwan has experienced a rapid economic growth and a significant increasing of average income in recent fifty years. But at the same time, the high speed development in economic growth was achieved at the expense of environmental damage. This beautiful island has been polluted and nature environment has been seriously destroyed. In 1992, the United Nations held UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. During this conference, Agenda 21 has been passed with regards to sustainable development. In Chapter four, Changing Consumption Patterns, one of the objectives is “[t]o promote patterns of consumption and production that reduce environmental stress and will meet the basic needs of humanity.” Under such a guideline, it is stated that to achieve environmental protection and sustainable development, all nations should be devoted in increasing production efficiency and changing consumption patters, so that all resources can be used appropriately and decrease over-consumption. The notion of green consumption is to change consumption patterns to decrease the over-consumption of natural resource and toxic material, and the emission of polluted material. It aims to achieve a better life quality without damaging the rights of our off-springs. This research focused on the relationship between environmental consciousness, consumer attitude and green consumption of environmental volunteers in New Taipei City. Based on research objective, this research used literature review, questionnaire, and in-depth interview to understand consumer behavior of environmental volunteers in green consumption and green mark products. The findings of this research includes that environmental consciousness is positively related to green consumption. Comparing to common population, environmental volunteers have higher grades in environmental consciousness and sensitivity upon environments. Female volunteers were found to be more sensitive than male ones in such issues owning to their tenderness. The last chapter of this research provides short, medium, and long term operational suggestions for government administration.
Keywords: Environmental consciousness, Consumer attitude, Green consumption, Environmental volunteers |
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