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Title: | 駐外僑務人員之角色衝突 Role conflict of the overseas officials |
Authors: | 何思毅 |
Contributors: | 蕭武桐 何思毅 |
Keywords: | 駐外僑務人員 角色衝突 overseas officials role conflict |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 15:23:30 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究的目的在於探討駐外僑務人員角色衝突的性質、實際情形以及不同背景之駐外僑務人員角色衝突程度上的差異,最後根據研究結果提出建議,以作為相關單位及未來研究之參考。
一、對僑務委員會方面 (一)釐清僑務組織之任務定位,賦予僑務人員專業形象及使命感。 (二)明確政策方向,加強駐外僑務人員的角色認知與期望。 (三)合理調整各館處僑務人員額編制,以減輕工作負荷。 (四)宜多關注已婚而子女尚年幼之駐外僑務人員,以舒緩其角色衝突
二、對駐外僑務人員方面 (一)駐外僑務人員宜確認核心任務,集中推動。 (二)駐外僑務人員應主動尋求互動機會,增進溝通協調能力,以拓展人際關係。 (三)駐外僑務人員宜藉教育途徑,自我充實學識與知能,以提升駐外人員素質。 (四)有家庭之駐外人員應重視家庭功能,並尋求各種人際資源協助,形成支援網絡。 The purpose of this study is to explore the nature and the actual situation of the overseas officials’ role conflicts. Besides, the differences in the degree of role conflict of different backgrounds overseas officials are investigated. According to the research results, conclusions and suggestions are given to relevant authorities and future researches as a reference.
It was found that overseas officials need to play multiple roles, the role conflicts result from the different expectations for their roles. Spending too much time working is the main cause of the role conflicts for overseas officials. Besides, helping overseas compatriots with different positions and viewpoints is one of the sources of the role conflicts.
According to the results of this study, the following recommendations:
First, for Overseas Chinese Affairs Council a)Clarify the tasks of Overseas Organization, and give professional image and sense of mission to overseas officials. b)Offer definite policy to enhance the awareness and expectations of the role of overseas officials. c)Reasonably adjust the amount of staff to reduce the work load of overseas officials. d)Pay more attention to married overseas officials with young children to alleviate the role conflicts.
Second, for the overseas officials a)Overseas officials should confirm the core tasks and promote them. b)Overseas officials should actively seek the opportunities for interaction; enhance communication and coordination skills to develop interpersonal relationships. c)Overseas officials should receive more educational training to enrich their own knowledge and skills in order to improve the quality of the overseas officials. d)Married overseas officials should be more concerned about their family, and seek a variety of human resources to construct the networks of support. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 公共行政研究所 95256037 100 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095256037 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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