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Title: | 中國大型企業的國際化策略-以華潤微電子集團為例 Internationalization of China`s Large Microelectronics Companies: An Empirical Study of China Resources Microelectronics Group |
Authors: | 林欣杰 Lin, Hsin Chieh |
Contributors: | 陳建維 Chen, Chien Wei 林欣杰 Lin, Hsin Chieh |
Keywords: | 國際化策略 微電子產業 華潤集團 華潤微電子 積體電路 Internationalization Strategy Microelectronics Industry China Resources Group China Resources MIcroelectronics Integrated Circuits |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 15:19:56 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 中國是近幾年來表現最亮麗的新興經濟體,自1979年實施改革開放以來,經濟快速發展,幾乎每年都以將近兩位數的成長速度往前發展。[中國崛起]已在全球帶起中國熱,也帶起歐美學習中文的風潮。中國的經濟成長,讓鄰近的台灣的各項產業產生巨大的變化,無不受到大陸廣大市場與廉價勞工的吸引。以近年在大陸蓬勃發展的電子業而言,中國微電子產業的發展歷程大致可分成以下幾個階段: 1.1956-1980:發展模式摸索時期 2.1980-1995:建立五大骨幹企業與「九0八工程」 3.1996-2000:外資介入下中國半導體產業 4.2000-2005:十八號文頒布與中國半導體產業快速發展時期 5.20005以後:穩定成長期
而台灣的電子業,紛紛將生產的工廠遷往大陸。台商前仆後繼的進入大陸,蔚為風潮。但近年來可以發現,開始有大陸的企業考慮來台投資,不光是一般認為的房地產而已,也開始有電子業相關的投資案在考慮中。於是乎,一般常探討的「如何進入大陸市場?」,漸漸也轉變成其反向的思考:「大陸企業如何國際化?」!這就成為一個非常值得探討的題目。而近年來電子業的發展,逐漸走向垂直整合及資金密集的競爭,能運用整合資源的企業將較有可能在競爭中勝出。所以,本研究針對大陸大型微電子企業做個案分析,並以大陸華潤集團所屬之華潤微電子集團為研究對象,分別探討以下兩點: 1.大陸大型電子企業(以華潤微電子集團為例)的國際化歷程的現況與遭遇的問題。 2.大陸大型電子企業(以華潤微電子集團為例)國際化的策略。
本研究得到的主要結論如下: 1.華潤微電子集團在外部受到國際經濟情勢、市場現況和國內政治情勢的影響。 2.華潤微電子集團在內部受到母集團優勢與技術能力的影響。 3.華潤微電子集團除了順應政府政策與結合母集團外,國際化可同時解決取得技術和拓展市場兩大問題。 4.本研究對大陸大型微電子企業之國際化策略提出一套含A.確定目標、 B.選擇市場、C.選擇地點、D.選擇進入模式、E.檢視進入程序及F.跨國技術管理的流程。 本研究除針對大陸大型微電子企業給予建議外,也希望能藉由對大陸企業的了解,作為兩岸更多合作可能的基礎。而大陸政府對電子業的扶持,也可提供政府科技政策上的參考與借鏡。 China is the best-performing emerging economy in recent years. Since the implementation of the reform and opening up in 1979, China had rapid economic development every year, almost in nearly double-digit growth rate. [The Rise of China] has brought up China fever in the world, and also brought up the wave of learning Chinese in western world. China`s economic growth makes a huge change in Taiwan’s every industry. All are attracted by the mainland China`s vast market and cheap labor. Booming electronics industry in mainland China in recent years, the development history of China microelectronics industry can be broadly divided into the following phases: Phase I: 1956-1980: Developing model period Phase II:1980-1995 : Establishing five major backbone enterprises with the "908 Project" Phase III:1996-2000: Foreign investment intervention in China`s semiconductor Industry Phase IV:2000-2005: Promulgating the 18th of the text and the period of rapid development Phase V:After 20005: Stable growth
Many Taiwan`s companies of electronics industry have moved factories to mainland China. Taiwan businessmen fought to enter the mainland. It has become an unmistakable trend. But in recent years, mainland enterprises begin to consider investing in Taiwan. It not only happens in real estate, but also in the electronics industry. Consequently, the commonly discussed subject [How to enter the mainland market?] has become gradually into the reverse thinking: [How can the mainland enterprises internationalize?] and it becomes one worth-exploring subject. The development of the electronics industry in recent years gradually moves towards vertical integration and capital-intensive competition. The enterprise which is able to use the integration of resources of the enterprises will be most likely able to win the competition. Therefore, the China Resources Microelectronics Group which belongs to the China Resource Group is chosen as the target of this work. The subjects of this work are: 1. Current status of the internationalization process and the problems encountered by a large mainland microelectronics companies (China Resources Microelectronics Group, for example). 2. Internationalization of the China’s large microelectronics companies (China Resources Microelectronics Group, for example).
The main conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. China Resources Microelectronics Group is externally affected by the international economic situation, current market conditions and the impact of the domestic political situation. 2. China Resources Microelectronics Group is internally affected by the strengths of the parent group (China Resources Group) and technical capabilities. 3. In addition to conforming to the Government policy and the combination of the parent group, the internationalization of China Resources Microelectronics Group can at the same time solve the problems of access to technology and expanding the market. 4. This study submits one set of the internationalization to the China’s large microelectronics companies. It contains: A. Identification of the target B. Choice of Market C. Choice of Location D. Choice of Entry Mode E. Review Entry Process F. Global Technology Management
In this work, in addition to giving advice to the large mainland microelectronics companies, this work hopes to provide more possible basis for cooperation to mainland China and Taiwan by the understanding of the enterprises in China. And the mainland government`s support of the electronics industry can also provide the reference and learn to the science and technology policy of our government. |
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三. 相關網站
http://www.crmicro.com.cn/ 華潤微電子有限公司 http://www.crc.com.hk/ 華潤集團 http://www.imf.org/ 國際貨幣基金組織 http://www.wto.org/ 世界貿易組織 http://www.worldbank.org/ 世界銀行 https://wsts.tsia.org.tw/ 世界半導體貿易統計組織 |
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