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    Title: 農村社區治理夥伴關係運作之研究-社會資本理論觀點
    The operation of partnership in Rural Governance - from social capital theory perspective
    Authors: 簡俊發
    Chien, Chun Fa
    Contributors: 林森田
    Lin, Sen Tyan
    Chien, Chun Fa
    Keywords: 夥伴關係
    social capital
    rural development
    rural community
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 14:26:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 我國的農村社區發展由政策性的部門計畫,轉變為制度性的地域性計畫,所強調的是農村社區的在地治理,然而農村特性不同,夥伴關係運作成為在地治理的重要手段,農村社區夥伴關係及其運作將是農村社區能否永續發展的關鍵。本研究以社會資本理論觀點,進行不同農村社區的夥伴關係運作的分析,以及農村社區夥伴關係之運作與夥伴關係社會資本之結構面、關聯面與認知面間的關聯性。並在同時注重夥伴關係社會資本的過程與階段性結果的考量下,針對成熟型的外獅潭社區、學習型的象山社區及多重社區型的無米樂社區三個個案,以半結構式訪談及統計檢定方法,透過質的分析方法瞭解農村社區夥伴關係的運作過程,並在量的方面,以問卷調查與檢定,瞭解階段性過程社會資本的構成與變動。
    本研究發現,農村社區因社區特性形成差異性的夥伴關係運作模式,也會因人的因素與制度的改變,導致個別社區不同程度的運作困難。夥伴關係運作愈好,夥伴關係社會資本平均值愈高,然社會資本權重平均權值高並不意味著夥伴關係運作會較好,因夥伴關係運作與夥伴關係社會資本構成只是一個過程及階段性結果的呈現,因此如只著重在社會資本構成之量的調查,而缺乏質的夥伴關係運作過程分析的對比,分析結果將很有可能產生偏誤。另研究也發現,農村社區不僅需要可發揮地方性知識從而在建立社區共識下,形成夥伴關係的在地治理發展模式,在夥伴關係運作過程中,也必須得助政府公部門與許多專業者的持續性專業協助,完成社區發展工作,印證整合型農村發展應注重超在地(extra local)的新內生性農村發展模式。本研究因此提出政府宜積極培育農村社區發展之專職專業經理人、農村社區治理須有積極的人力培力及適時的人力更新,但變動幅度不宜過大、整合性的農村社區發展需長期的逐步累積,不宜遽變式的制度嵌入、農村社區夥伴關係運作透過機制移植雖可加快推動速度,但仍需給予調適期與因地制宜等農村治理等建議。
    The development of rural communities in Taiwan has transferred from sectoral plan approach to place-base approach which emphasizes local governance. The operation of partnership in rural governance is the important method in rural community due to the diversity of rural community types. The partnerships of rural community and its operation will be the key to the continuously development of the rural communities. Based upon the social capital theory, this study investigates the operation of partnership on three different kind rural communities. Semi-structure in-depth interview and statistical test approaches are used to understand the process of rural partnership and the change of social capital in the three rural communities. The investigation focus on the process of rural partnership by in-depth interview approach and the relation on the three dimension of social capital by statistical test so as to understand the change of both quality and quantity of social capital of partnership in the study cases.
    This study found that the mode of partnership operation is different and results in various difficulties due to the different characteristics of the community, human factors and institutional change. The average weight value of social capital is higher when the operation of partnership is better. However, the higher weight value of social capital doesn’t totally mean that the rural community has a better partnership operation because the weight can only represent a process or the result of the operation of partnership in a certain period. Therefore, there could be exist bias if the analysis focus only on quantity investigation without a contrast from quality analysis of partnership operation. In addition, this study also found that rural community needs instant assistance from government and specialist in the partnership process as well as they need to elaborate local governance within the community’s common vision. The important point to notice is that the comprehensive rural development should adopt ‘extra local’ specialty of new endogenous model .Furthermore, this paper also provides promising suggestions such as full-time position of professional manager , new rural human resources and a long-term vision for the future rural development in Taiwan.
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