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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/54636

    Title: 華、韓語同形漢字詞之比較及教學建議:以「台灣華語八千詞」及《韓國漢字語辭典》分析為例
    Semantic and pragmatic features of Chinese and Korean homographic words with didactic suggestions for teaching Chinese to Korean students-a comparative analysis of basic Chinese and Sino-Korean vocabulary
    Authors: 金昭蓮
    so yeon kim
    Contributors: 謝林德
    Dennis Schilling
    so yeon kim
    Keywords: 韓語漢字詞
    homographic vocabulary
    sino-korean language
    teaching Chinese
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 11:27:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 依據1957年韓文學會的《韓國語大辭典》 的分類,在韓國語詞彙中漢字詞占總詞彙的53%,與之相比,非漢字詞彙占47%。由此可見,由於韓國屬於漢字文化圈,所以韓國人在學習華語的時候,與非漢字文化圈的人相比,存在著許多優勢。不過實際上韓國學生在學習華語時經常遇到很多困難,而且有時候並不能精確地使用詞彙。我們發現韓語中部分的漢字詞與相對應的華語詞彙存在著同形同義和同形異義的現象,雖然同形同義詞只是在語法上有些微的差異,但這些差異會成為韓國學習者學習華語的困擾。不僅在學習華語時會產生誤解和誤用,甚而會影響華語交際。由於韓國學習者的漢字基礎常常會誤導他們,所以他們在學習與運用華語時,已有的韓語漢字基礎會對學習產生負遷移。
    在第二語言學習中甘瑞瑗(2002) 指出,詞彙習得和詞彙教學是很重要的一環。對韓國學生來說,掌握華韓語之間漢字詞的關連性是能否有效運用華語的關鍵之一。因此,筆者認為,比較和分析「台灣華語8000詞」和與之相應的韓語漢字詞,具有學習上的幫助。
    本文旨在以「台灣華語8000詞」 為中心,對照《韓國漢字語辭典》找出兩者之間的同形漢字詞,並把這些同形漢字詞分為同形同義詞、同形部分異義詞與同形完全異義詞三類,具體地分析台灣華語詞和韓語漢字詞的異同。接著以個案研究的方式,探討韓語漢字詞在韓國學生學習華語詞彙時是否帶來正遷移的現象;並以問卷調查的方式來檢驗韓國學生已認識的韓語漢字詞,是否也對華語詞彙學習造成負遷移的影響。
    According to the research of the Chinese Character Society which get published 1957 in the Korean Dictionary, 53% of the Korean vocabulary is based on the Chinese language. This high percentage demonstrates the great impact of the Chinese culture on the Korean language over a long time. Today, Korean learners of the Chinese language may take advantage of this historical and linguistic fact when compared to learners from Western countries. However, in practice, Korean learners still have great difficulties in acquiring the correct usage of a variety of Chinese words in spite of lexical similarities with their mother tongue. Interferences from the Korean language usage on the learners’ target language are an obvious fact.
    In a first approach, compared with the homographic vocabulary of the Chinese language, Chinese loan words in the Korean language can be classified into three main categories according to their semantic congruency: 1. homosemantic words: homographic words in both languages share principally the same lexical meaning (同形同義詞); 2. semantic congruent words: homographic words in both languages share a congruent basic meaning but lexical meaning differs in certain properties (同形部分異義詞); 3. semantic incongruent words: homographic words in both languages principally do not share a common lexical meaning (同形完全異義詞). The reason may be due to historical meaning changes in both languages.
    Semantic differences in basically semantic congruent words and semantic incongruency of homographic words both handicap correct vocabulary acquisition of the Chinese language by Korean learners and complicate their correct comprehension and correct usage of the Chinese language. The relevance of correct vocabulary acquisition was already pointed out by the research of Gan Ruiyuan (甘瑞瑗,2002).
    The present study wants to do a fresh approach in the study of the basic homographic vocabulary of Chinese and Korean languages in its significance for Chinese language teaching to Korean students. To do this, it compares the semantic features of the Chinese basic vocabulary listed in the Taiwanese dictionary 8000 Words in Chinese with their Korean homographics listed in the Dictionary of the Sino-Korean language and classifies the results according to the three categories of semantic congruency mentioned above. Semantic incongruent features are discussed regarding their difficulty both in acquisition and in the correct usage for Korean learners of the Chinese language. In addition, a short learner’s enquiry wants to give further insights into phenomena of language interference which appear in the usage of Chinese homographic vocabulary by Korean students.
    Finally, the study wants to give some practical suggestions for teaching Chinese homographic vocabulary to Korean students.
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    7. 漢 典 http://www.zdic.net/zd/zi/ZdicE9Zdic9AZdic8E.htm
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