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Title: | 書寫、經驗與身體感-以當代飲食書寫為考察核心 Writing, experience and bodily feeling: a study based on the contemporary food writing |
Authors: | 賴怡潔 Lai, Yi Chieh |
Contributors: | 鍾蔚文 Chung, Wei Wen 賴怡潔 Lai, Yi Chieh |
Keywords: | 身體感 飲食書寫 飲食文化 寫作 經驗 體現 bodily feeling food writing food culture writing experience embodiment |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 10:36:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文探討寫者如何將日常經驗轉化為文字作品,尤其如何將難以言喻的飲食經驗透過文字生動地表現。透過此問,試圖揭櫫經驗訴諸文字的過程,以及其間複雜交錯的課題。本文採用體現的取徑(embodied approach),以當代飲食書寫為考察對象,擇取其中代表作家,蔡珠兒與謝忠道的文字作品與兩位作家的訪談資料,來詮釋經驗轉化為文字的脈絡,梳理經驗、身體感以及書寫之間的關係。本文的研究結果為,第一,書寫並非只是由「心」而完成的活動,也涉及「身體」的角色。第二,書寫並非是文字單純對應經驗的表徵過程,而是重新創造的過程,經驗、身體感與文字三者彼此相互作用,在書寫之下連動與共生。第三,本文以飲食書寫來關照書寫活動,重新揭示「書寫」的本質。最後,本文認為體現取徑可作為文學評論的全新視角,並以此對飲食書寫的寫作策略提出相關建議。 The article explores how does a writer transform ordinary experiences into written languages, and how does he vividly express diet experiences that are beyond expressions. Based on these, this article tries to answer a sophisticated question about the relationship between experiences and languages. Taking the embodied approach to study contemporary food writing, this article discovers the context of experiences transforming into written languages, with representative written works and interviews by two writers, Jewel, Tsai and Chung-Tao, Hsieh. Also, with these materials, I explain the dynamic relationship among experience, bodily feeling and written language. The findings of this research include three points. First, writing activity is affected not only by human mind, but also by human body. Second, writing is not the simple process that languages represent experiences, however, it is the creative process that experiences, bodily feeling and languages interplay each other. Third, this article redefines the essence of writing. Especially, I think that the embodied approach is likely to be a method of literary criticism. On the basis of this approach, I suggest some writing strategies about the contemporary food writing. |
Reference: | 中文文獻
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