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Title: | 風險溝通與審議式民主的連結─ 以「核廢何從電視公民討論會」為例 The link of risk communication and deliberative democracy:The case of“Where Would the Nuclear Waste Go?” TV forum. |
Authors: | 王憶萍 |
Contributors: | 黃東益 王憶萍 |
Keywords: | 風險溝通 審議式民主 低放射性廢棄物 核廢料 公民會議 risk communication deliberative democracy the low-level radioactive waste nuclear waste consensus conference |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 10:23:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 面對高度科技化、工業化及專業化的社會,風險溝通已是政府面對環境爭議時難以規避的課題。回顧台灣近年來各項環境政策所遭遇的激烈抗爭,顯現政府風險溝通的不足。近年來興起的審議式民主,強調在理性與互惠的前提下,讓公民針對議題發表不同意見,成為政府替代傳統風險溝通的另一選項。尤其對於亟需完善風險溝通的高科技議題-「核廢料處置」而言,審議式民主似乎為其帶來契機。本研究透過分析「核廢何從電視公民討論會」審議活動過程政府與民眾的風險溝通關係,以及會議參與者的深度訪談資料,探討審議式會議如何落實風險溝通理念,藉此瞭解並反思審議式民主在台灣的實踐及其能否成為有效的風險溝通機制。 研究發現,在理論層面,審議式民主與風險溝通理論有許多相通之處;而在實踐層面,審議式民主得以落實風險溝通四項核心要素:「雙向互動」、「資訊公開、即時及更新」、「轉譯為常民語言」及「利害關係人參與」;除此之外,與會者及相關人員亦受到審議機制正向的影響;但在此會議中民眾與政府間信任關係的改善程度有限。本研究建議政府未來進行風險溝通時,應健全溝通管道、有效連結「會議結論」與「政策制定」、整合資訊公開管道並縮短數位落差、及處理與核能政策連動問題,方能有助於低放射性廢棄物的風險溝通。 Risk communication is an unavoidable task when the government faces a highly industrialized and professionalized society. In the past years, environmental policies the government proposed and the protests these policies triggered show the deficiency of the government on risk communication. Recently, the rising deliberative democracy that emphasizes citizen dialogue on the basis of equality, rationality and reciprocity, could become an alternative to traditional risk communication for the government. Especially for the high-tech issue--disposal of nuclear waste-- which is desperate for comprehensive risk communication, deliberative democracy seems to bring the window of opportunity. Through examining the case of “Where Would the Nuclear Waste Go?” TV forum, this study explores risk communication between the government and citizens, and discusses how deliberative forum realizes the idea of risk communication in practice and delivers risk knowledge. Furthermore, this study rethinks the practice of deliberative democracy in Taiwan and accesses whether it could be an effective risk communication mechanism. This study discovers that there is no contradiction between the practice of deliberative forum and the theory of risk communication. Deliberative democracy facilitates four core elements of risk communication: “two-way communication,” “information disclosure, in time and update,” “transfer into the language of ordinary people” and “the participation of stakeholders.” In addition, the participants and staffs were empowered positively by the deliberative mechanism. However, the improvement of trust between the government and citizens is very limited. This study suggests that when conducting risk communication for the low-level radioactive waste issue, the government should enhance risk communication channels, link the conclusions of citizen forums to policy making, integrate various information disclosure mechanisms, bridge the digital divide, and deal with the problem related to the nuclear energy policy. |
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