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Title: | 國中英語教師班級經營效能量表之編製 The measurement of classroom management efficacy for English teachers in junior high schools |
Authors: | 林悅平 Lin, Yueh Ping |
Contributors: | 胡悅倫 Hu, Yueh Lun 林悅平 Lin, Yueh Ping |
Keywords: | 班級經營 英語教師 教師甄試口試 classroom management English teachers teacher selection interview |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-11 17:05:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 「班級經營」為教師專業知能中的主要項目之一,既有研究指出了許多班級經營的指標或向度,大多以少數人理論、教學經驗或教室觀察為研究依據,而未有一致性的量化指標,本研究以實務界的角度出發,分析胡悅倫(2007)在教師甄詴口詴現場所蒐集的853道「班級經營」相關詴題,以重新建構班級經營的專業能力指標,藉此編製一份國中英語教師班級經營效能量表,作為教師專業評量之輔助工具。
三、研究各分量表之Cronbach’s α係數介於0.686~0.929之間,且在內部一致性團體對照法之t考驗中,各題高低分組之差異皆達顯著水準,顯示本研究具有可接受的合理信度。
五、判別分析Hit Ratio值為0.86,代表本研究自編班級經營效能量表能有效區別出高效能與低效能之英語教師。
六、不同性別、年齡、學歷背景、特教背景、英語教學研習時數、服務年資、導師年資、導師態度之英語教師,其班級經營效能有顯著差異,包括以下數點: (一)女性之英語教學品質顯著優於男性; (二)年紀較長、服務年資、導師年資較資深者之班級經營效能各量表皆顯 著優於年紀輕、服務與導師年資較資淺者; (三)一般大學畢業之教師,其班級實務優於師範大學畢業者; (四) 有基礎特教背景之教師,其班級人際互動顯著優於無特教背景者; (五)參加較多次英語研習之教師,其班級經營各量表皆顯著優於參加較少 次者; (六)越喜歡瑝導師之英語教師,其班級經營各量表表現越優異,且導師態度 可預測11.5%的班級經營效能。 七、不同學校地區、班級人數、每週授課節數之班級,其英語教師之班級經營效能有顯著差異,包括以下數點: (一)台北縣之英語教師,其班級經營各量表皆顯著優於台北市英語教師; (二)人數在21~35人之班級,其教師之人際互動、課堂管理皆顯著優於人數 35人以上之班級; (三)每週授課節數在3~4節最佳,其教師之人際互動、課堂管理、多元化班 級經營皆顯著高於7節以上之班級;而每週授課5~6節之班級,其教師 之人際互動、課堂管理亦顯著優於7節以上之班級,但多元化班級經營 則顯著低於3~4節者。
根據上述結論,本研究提供五點建議:(1)班級教師應正視班級內學生的多樣性、(2)班級經營的各影響面向皆應受到重視、(3)本量表可作為英語教師增進班級經營效能之參考、(4)教師應不斷自我精進、(5)學校班級應控制班級人數與每週上課節數。 "Classroom management" is a main dimension of teacher’s professional knowledge. Most dimensions that former researches demonstrated are based on educational theories, teaching experience and classroom observation from few researchers. Therefore, this study goes from a practical perspective. By analyzing 853 classroom management related items, which were collected from junior high school teacher selection interviews, a measurement of classroom management of English teachers in junior high school can be made as an effective tool for evaluating teacher’s professional knowledge.
Classroom management can be organized into five dimensions, including classroom practice, harmonious relationship among students, parents and teachers, classroom discipline, diversified classroom management, English teaching quality. According to the study, there are seven findings as follows:
(1) The criterion-related validity of this research for teacher efficacy is up to 0.797, and for English learning achievement up to 0.605. It reaches .01 level of significance under 2-tailed test, which shows the self-establishment classroom management efficacy measurement can examine the attributes that we want to find out.
(2) The correlative coefficient of the sub-scales and the scale from 0.86 to 0.95 shows very good coefficient value and good internal consistency of the self-establishment classroom management efficacy measurement.
(3) The subscale of internal consistency Cronbach`s Alpha coefficient of the self-establishment classroom management efficacy measurement ranges from 0.686 to 0.929. According to the t-test of internal consistency group comparison, the high score group and low score group reaches a significant difference. The two result shows reasonable reliability of the measurement.
(4) The model confirmatory factory analysis shows that the model of this study is reasonably fit, with five dimensions including classroom practice, harmonious relationship among students, parents and teachers, classroom discipline, diversified classroom management and English teaching quality. We can even extract one latent variable from the five dimensions—classroom management efficacy.
(5) The hit ratio value of discriminant analysis is 0.86, which shows that using this self-establishment classroom management efficacy measurement, we can distinguish high efficacy English teachers from low efficacy English teachers.
(6) The junior high school English teachers’ background demography including gender, age, educational background, special education background, English teaching improvement courses, teaching age, class teacher age, and class teacher attitude reach a significant difference, which shows as the following: (a) Females’ teaching quality is better than males’ (b) Those with older age, longer teaching age, longer class age are better in all subscales than others. (c) Those graduated from normal university are better in class practice than others. (d) Those with basic special education are better in harmonious relationship among students, parents and teachers than others. (e) Those who attend more English teaching improvement courses are better in all subscales than others. (f) Those who are more willing to be class teachers are better in all subscales than others. The class teacher attitude can expect classroom management efficacy by 11.5%.
(7) The junior high school background demography including school location, class scale, course number within one week reach a significant difference, which shows as the following: (a) English teachers in Taipei County are better in all subscales than English teachers in Taipei City. (b) English teachers with classes of 21~35 students are better in harmonious relationship and classroom discipline, than English teachers with classes of more than 21~35 students. (c) English teachers with 3~4 courses for one class within one week are better in harmonious relationship, classroom discipline, diversified classroom management than others.
Building on the above results, this study made the following four suggestions: (1) class teachers should pay more attention to the diversity within students; (2) all dimensions of classroom management should be taken seriously; (3) this measurement is an effective reference and tool for English teachers; (4) teachers should always keep learning and improving; (5) student number within one class and course number within one week should be moderately limited to a proper one. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 教育研究所 96152012 98 |
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