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Title: | 論網路新聞搜尋引擎的合理使用-以Google News美國版的著作權法相關爭議為中心 The fair use analysis on the web search engine |
Authors: | 林佩蓉 Lin, Patricia |
Contributors: | 李治安 Lee, Jyh-An 林佩蓉 Lin, Patricia |
Keywords: | 網路新聞 網路搜尋引擎 合理使用 web journalism web search engine Fair use |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-11 16:58:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 網際網路在許多方面皆改變了大眾的讀報方式:不僅僅是因為Google News一類的新聞搜尋引擎,提供讀者多樣化且一次性的即時整合型閱覽,現今多數的網路使用者,也已養成從數個不同網頁中選擇所需資訊來瀏覽或進行研究、調查的習慣。然而,隨著報紙印刷發行量的銳減、新聞網站的流量不如預期,新聞媒體出版商對於搜尋引擎憑藉他人著作獲取暴利的手法感到越來越挫敗。Google自西元2009年起在Google News美國版刊登廣告,會不會成為壓垮傳統新聞媒體的最後一根稻草?而Google的這項舉措是否動搖其利用他人著作內容賺錢的正當性?可符合美國著作權法的合理使用原則? 本文將就Google News刊登廣告所引發的爭議,從網路新聞的發展、Google的經營模式以及合理使用原則的規範目的等面向,鎖定美國著作權法,來探討網路搜尋引擎截取他人著作內容的合法性,以及數位時代下合理使用原則的未來命運。 The Internet has changed the way people reading the newspaper: not only because news search engines such as Google News providing readers with a diverse and one-time real-time integration of reading, but also because nowadays, most Web users have become accustomed to selecting the information they need from several different Web pages for browsing or carrying out research, and investigation. However, as the newspapers’ circulation drops, and the flow of news Web sites does not reach the expectation, the fact that search engines use others’ works to obtain profits disappoints news media publishers a lot. Will the advertisements placed alongside search results on the American version of Google News be the last straw? Will this undermine the validity of Google’s initiative of using others’ work for money, and fit in with the fair use doctrine? This article will try to analyze the Google News advertising disputes from the perspectives of development of network newsm, Google`s business model and the fair use doctrine , and to discuss the legality of the Web search engine as well as the fate of fair use under digital era in the future. |
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