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Title: | 大學一年級學生危機程度、歸因與求助態度之研究 The level of crisis,attribution and help-seeking attitude in college freshman |
Authors: | 吳東勝 |
Contributors: | 修慧蘭 吳東勝 |
Keywords: | 大學生 危機程度 歸因 求助態度 |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-11 16:55:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在了解大學生的危機程度、歸因及求助態度之現況及變項間的關係,並探討在性別及危機程度之下,歸因與求助態度之關係。本研究以問卷調查法蒐集國立政治大學一年級學生,共2066位學生之資料。使用工具為「政大學生生活適應與健康量表」、「求助態度量表」及自編之「大學生歸因型態量表」。分別以描述性統計、卡方、變異數分析及多元逐步迴歸進行統計分析,研究結果如下: 一、大學生在面對負向事件之歸因傾向作內在、穩定及可控制的歸因。 二、依性別分組,顯示男女性在穩定歸因及求助態度有達顯著差異;在危機程度、內在及控制歸因則無顯著差異。 三、依危機程度分組,顯示高低危機程度組在穩定、控制歸因及求助態度有達顯著差異;在內在歸因則無顯著差異。 四、同時考慮不同性別及危機程度,性別的主要效果被削弱,僅危機程度之主要效果達顯著差異,而高低危機程度組在穩定、控制歸因及求助態度達顯著差異;內在歸因則無顯著差異。 五、性別、歸因及危機程度均能顯著預測求助態度,其中在全體學生組,危機程度中的精神疾病最能預測求助態度;在男生組,危機程度中的精神疾病最能預測求助態度;在女生組,危機程度中的憂鬱最能預測求助態度。 The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship of the level of crisis , attribution and help-seeking attitude in college students , as well as , the interaction effect of variables. Two thousand and sixty-six college freshman in National ChengChi University participated in this study and responded to the following questionnaires : National ChengChi University Students’ Adaption and Health Questionnaire , Inventory of Attitudes Toward Seeking Mental Health Services , College Students‘ Attributional Style Questionnaire. Discriptive statistics , chi-square , Multivariate Analysis of Variance , stepwise regression analysis were conducted to analyze the data. Major findings of this study were as followings : I. In negative events , college students had internal , stable and control attribution. II. Grouped by gender , male and female were significant different in stable attribution and help-seeking attitude. III. Grouped by the level of crisis , low and high level crisis were significant different in stable , control attribution and help-seeking attitude. IV. Consider gender and the level of crisis , only the level of crisis main effect was significant. V. Gender , attribution and the level of crisis could significantly predict help-seeking attitude. |
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