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Title: | 3C連鎖通路消費者購買決策、知覺服務品質與滿意度及忠誠度之關係研究-以全國電子為例 Research of the relationship among consumer purchase decision, perceived service quality, satisfaction and loyalty in 3c chain stores:a case study of the e-life mall |
Authors: | 林政儒 Lin, Cheng Ju |
Contributors: | 祝鳳岡 林政儒 Lin, Cheng Ju |
Keywords: | 連鎖店 消費者行為 服務品質 滿意度 忠誠度 Chain Store Consumer Behavior Service Quality Satisfaction Loyalty |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-11 16:52:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著數位化科技發展迅速,導致數位化產品快速在市場上崛起,加上國人生 活水準提高,對生活品質也越加重視,因此許多科技大廠紛紛快速推出新穎的產品吸引消費大眾,造成市場激烈的競爭,由於商機龐大伴隨而來的則是3C 通路業的競爭。台灣3C 連鎖通路的興起,產業結構已由末端零售通路取代產品供應商主導市場,越來越多人認為掌握通路便能掌握市場,這使新加入的3C 通路業者紛紛以連鎖店的形態出現,試圖擴展企業版圖與市場佔有率,加上顧客導向的時代來臨,消費者的購買力增加,在選購產品的同時,已不再只單一考慮產品品質因素,因此3C 通路業者必須更進一步了解消費者的購買決策,提高服務品質並創造顧客的滿意度,進而讓顧客產生忠誠度,才能提高競爭力在市場中勝出。 本研究探討3C 消費者「購買決策」、「知覺服務品質」、「滿意度」及「忠誠度」之關係及影響因素並以全國電子為例,回收有效問卷320 份,運用敘述性統計、因素分析、變異數分析、信度分析、T 檢定及迴歸分析,將資料進行統計分析獲得假設驗證。 研究結果如下: 一、消費者「購買決策」與「顧客滿意度」具有顯著相關性。 二、消費者「購買決策」與「顧客忠誠度」具有顯著相關性。 三、「服務品質」與「顧客滿意度」具有顯著相關性。 四、「服務品質」與「顧客忠誠度」具有顯著相關性。 五、「顧客滿意度」與「顧客忠誠度」具有顯著相關性。 六、不同人口統計變數在消費者「購買決策」具有顯著差異性。 七、不同人口統計變數在「服務品質」具有顯著差異性。 八、不同人口統計變數在「顧客滿意度」具有顯著差異性。 九、不同人口統計變數在「顧客忠誠度」具有顯著差異性。 The rapid development of digital technologies has accelerated release of digital products in the market. With the improvement in living standards, domestic people are paying more attention to their living quality. Many high-tech manufacturers are thus dedicated to developing new and innovative products to satisfy consumer demands, resulting in an increase of competition in the 3C industry. The structure of the 3C industry has also changed with the rise of 3C chain stores. Retail stores which used to be at the end of the supply chain have gradually taken the place of suppliers to dominate the market. Believing that dominating channels means dominating the market, many 3C retailers have been established in the form of chain stores to expand their business and market share. In this customer-oriented era, consumers have greater purchase power and no longer consider one single factor in the choice of products. Therefore, 3C chain stores need to understand consumers’ purchase decision, so as to effectively enhance their service quality, create customer satisfaction, induce customer loyalty, and remain competitive in the market. This study investigated the relationships of “purchase decision”, “perceived service quality”, “customer satisfaction”, and “customer loyalty” among 3C consumers. The research sample comprised of 320 valid responses from consumers of E-Life Mall. These responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics, factor analysis, analysis of variance, reliability test, t-test, and regression analysis to test the proposed hypotheses. The research results are as follows: 1. A significant relationship exists between “purchase decision” and “customer satisfaction”. 2. A significant relationship exists between “purchase decision” and “customer loyalty”. 3. A significant relationship exists between “service quality” and “customer satisfaction”. 4. A significant relationship exists between “service quality” and “customer loyalty”. 5. A significant relationship exists between “customer satisfaction” and “customer loyalty”. 6. Consumers with different demographic variables have significantly different “purchase decisions”. 7. Consumers with different demographic variables have significantly different perceptions of “service quality”. 8. Consumers with different demographic variables show significantly different levels “customer satisfaction”. 9. Consumers with different demographic variables show significantly different levels “customer loyalty”. |
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