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Title: | 臺中市國民小學校長辦學績效評鑑之後設評鑑研究 A meta-evaluation study on the evaluation of elementary school principals’ managing performance in Taichung city |
Authors: | 林例怡 |
Contributors: | 湯志民 林例怡 |
Keywords: | 校長辦學績效評鑑 後設評鑑 evaluation of principals’ managing performance meta-evaluation |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:54:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在瞭解臺中市國民小學校長辦學績效評鑑之實施現況,並探討國民小學教育人員對校長辦學績效評鑑的看法,進而檢核該評鑑符合後設評鑑標準「適當性」、「效用性」、「可行性」與「精確性」之程度,最後最後依結論提出具體建議。 本研究採問卷調查法,以「臺中市國民小學校長辦學績效評鑑之後設評鑑調查問卷」為研究工具,針對參與臺中市九十七學年度至九十九學年度第一學期「臺中市高級中等以下學校校長辦學績效評鑑實施計畫」之學校教育人員為問卷調查對象,共寄發180份問卷,回收有效問卷共159份,以t考驗與單因子變異數分析進行統計分析。此外,亦採取專家訪談法,以「臺中市國民小學校長辦學績效評鑑之後設評鑑訪談大綱」為研究工具,針對參與臺中市九十七學年度至九十九學年度第一學期「臺中市高級中等以下學校校長辦學績效評鑑實施計畫」之校長為研究對象進行訪談工作,共計3位校長,以期深入瞭解臺中市實施校長辦學績效評鑑之現況。 綜合文獻探討與研究結果之發現,歸納可得研究結論如下: 一、 臺中市校長辦學績效評鑑在各層面均獲得認同,以適當性層面表現最佳,其次依序為可行性、精確性與效用性層面。 二、 性別、年齡與職務在適當性層面具有顯著差異,男性、資深教育人員與非校長職之教育人員認同度較高。 三、 性別、年齡與職務在效用性層面具有顯著差異,男性、資深教育人員與非校長職之教育人員認同度較高。 四、 年齡與職務在可行性層面具有顯著差異,資深教育人員與主任認同度較高。 五、 性別、年齡與職務在精確性層面具有顯著差異,男性、資深教育人員與主任認同度較高。 六、 校長辦學績效評鑑之作法可行,惟在評鑑之人員可信度、報告功能性、結果運用、客觀性、資訊辯護性、追蹤輔導等方面可加以改進。 七、 校長辦學績效評鑑能真實反應校長辦學情形,最有幫助之處在於藉由檢視歷年辦學成果有助提升辦學績效。 最後,本研究針對教育行政主管機關、學校與後續研究提出具體建議。 entary school faculties’ opinions on this evaluation. By examining the degree of the propriety, utility, feasibility, and accuracy dimension this evaluation gets, suggestions in accordance with the result of the research are made for improvements. Elementary school faculties whose schools participated in the evaluation of elementary school principals’ managing performance in Taichung City in the academic years of 2008 to 2010 were surveyed. A total of 180 questionnaires were distributed; 159 valid returned ones were analyzed. Statistical techniques used include t-tests and one-way ANOVA. An interview research was also adopted in this study. 3 principals participating in the evaluation of elementary school principals’ managing performance in Taichung City in the academic years of 2008 to 2010 were selected in order to get more information about the evaluation. According to the findings of the research, conclusions were summarized as followings: 1. The evaluation of elementary school principals’ managing performance is approved in the propriety, utility, feasibility, and accuracy dimension. The propriety dimension gets the highest scores, followed by feasibility, accuracy and utility dimension. 2. In the propriety dimension, there are significant differences in the gender, age and current position. Male, senior, and non-principal school faculties have higher agreement. 3. In the utility dimension, there are significant differences in the gender, age and current position. Male, senior, and non-principal school faculties have higher agreement. 4. In the feasibility dimension, there are significant differences in the age and current position. Senior school faculties and school directors have higher agreement. 5. In the accuracy dimension, there are significant differences in the gender, age and current position. Male, senior school faculties and school directors have higher agreement. 6. It’s feasible to implement the evaluation of elementary school principals’ managing performance, but it should be strengthened in the evaluators’ reliability, functional reporting, finding uses, objectivity, defensible information, and track and assistance. 7. The evaluation of elementary school principals’ managing performance can truly reflect principals’ managing performance. The most helpful thing is to enhance the managing performance by reviewing the school achievement every year. Finally, the study provides suggestions to the administrative department and future researchers as reference resources. |
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