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Title: | 住宅品質變化對房價指數之影響-新推個案 vs. 中古屋 Housing quality change on price indexes: new housing projects vs. existing housing cases |
Authors: | 陳相甫 Chen, Hsiang Fu |
Contributors: | 張金鶚 江穎慧 Chang,Chin Oh Chiang,Ying Hui 陳相甫 Chen, Hsiang Fu |
Keywords: | 房價指數 住宅品質 特徵價格 housing price index housing quality hedonic price |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:47:17 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 過往研究編製房價指數時多在品質固定或控制下,觀察房價的波動趨勢,對於住宅品質的改變如何影響房價則少有說明。而住宅品質為生活品質的一部分,亦為購屋者消費或投資時所關心,然住宅價格與品質間存在何種關係並不清楚,若認為高價格的住宅即代表高品質,則可能存在做出錯誤決策的風險。 本研究利用特徵價格法,探討台北市與台北縣於2000年至2009年間,新推個案與中古屋交易市場住宅品質的改變與房價關係。實證結果發現台北市的標準住宅的品質因改變程度較新北市小,故其對房價指數的波動不如在新北市中明顯。另外,台北市新推個案與中古屋住宅的區位條件無明顯衰退之情形,產品品質亦無明顯的提升;新北市新推個案與中古屋住宅的區位條件皆呈現衰退現象,但新推個案的產品品質則有提升趨勢,而中古屋住宅則是下降的趨勢。 最後,分析住宅價格與品質間的相關性,實證結果發現,新北市的新推個案住宅與台北市的中古屋住宅存在正相關,顯示在此兩種次市場中,支出更多價格購屋亦獲得更好的住宅品質。 Most of the existing housing price indexes empirical studies are under quality-constant or quality-control, because housing quality change is difficult to measure. In these cases, one does not concerned about that price index, if one interested in consumption or investment. We use hedonic price model discusses the relationship of housing price and housing quality about new housing projects and transacted house during 2000 and 2009 in Taipei City and New-Taipei City. The empirical results show that due to degree of change in housing quality of representative house in Taipei City smaller than in New-Taipei City, so the volatility of the price index was significantly better in New-Taipei City. In addition, the Taipei City housing “location condition” no recession , and no obvious improvement of “structural quality”; New housing projects and transacted house in New-Taipei City, respectively, increase and decline, but the location condition are present recession. Furthermore, we find that there is positive correlation between housing price and quality in Taipei City’s transacted house market and New-Taipei City’s new housing projects market. In these two sub-markets, consumer spending more housing prices and get better housing quality. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政研究所 98257017 99 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098257017 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [地政學系] 學位論文
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