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Title: | 高中職教師資訊科技融入教學與圖書館支援策略之研究 Senior High School Teacher Information Technology Integration into Teaching and Support Strategies of Libraries |
Authors: | 林鴻源 Lin, Hong Yuan |
Contributors: | 王梅玲 Wang, Mei Ling 林鴻源 Lin, Hong Yuan |
Keywords: | 資訊科技融入教學 資訊科技融入教學程度 高中職圖書館 Information Technology Integrated in Teaching Level of Technology Implemention Senior High School Libraries |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:36:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在現今資訊化的學校教育中,將資訊科技融入於課程、教材與教學中,並提供學習者有意義的學習歷程,以得到較佳的教學成效。是教師教學上必需學習的創新與突破。學校圖書館的功能在於蒐集整理與提供教學有關資料,以支援教師教學及協助學生學習,所以必需與教師建立密切的合作關係。 本研究主要探討我國高中職教師資訊科技融入教學現況、程度與圖書館支援教學策略。採用問卷調查法與焦點團體訪談,以獲得國內高中職教師在這些議題上的資料與看法,並提出有效支援教學之策略。 綜合而言,目前我國高中職教師資訊科技融入教學的現況為:(1)整體表現不佳;(2)教材製作面向表現較佳、溝通與分享面向表現不佳;(3)男性、40歲以下、最高學歷為科大學士、具有6-10年教學經驗、任教藝能類科、行政兼職擔任組長等條件教師表現較佳;(4)學校類型為公立高職、一年內參加資訊相關研習時數達24小時以上、圖書館使用頻繁(2天以上/每週)的教師,也有較佳的表現。 教師資訊科融入教學程度調查,引用國外LoTi量表,以八個簡單的層級數字,清楚地將教師資訊科技融入教學程度歸類。研究結果與現況相近,呈現:(1)整體融入程度「普通」;(2)融入層級以4a層級(整合-機械化)比例最高;(3)全體教師融入程度低中高層級比例為2:5:3;(4)男性、30歲以下、科大學士學歷、教學年資6-10年、任教藝能類科、近一年研習時數在19-24小時、任教於台北市、公立高中、擔任行政兼職主任、組長工作、經常使用圖書館的教師,程度表現較佳。 教師針對圖書館支援教學的需求與滿意程度,綜合研究結果為:(1)整體表現:教學需求非常強烈,但滿意程度不佳;(2)教學需求面向以「網路資源與電子資料庫」最高;「遠距教學支援」最低;(3)教師個人變項以公立高中教師、中層級(3-融入、4-整合) 融入程度,教學需求較高;(4)滿意程度面向以「軟硬體設備」較高;「遠距教學支援」較低; (5)屏東縣教師滿意程度低於台北市教師、私立高職教師滿意程度則低於其他類型學校教師。 綜合訪談結果,現階段高中職圖書館有效支援教學策略包括:(1)充實教學資源。圖書館本身需提供更豐富的電子書、電子資源及資料庫供教學利用;建構跨領域的教材、課程、評量學習平台…等;(2)提昇服務內涵。圖書館首先需有專業及熱忱服務團隊;定期辦理座談、資訊知能研習,瞭解師生需求並提高資訊養能;配合教學需求,進行主題資料蒐集與推薦…等。(3)建立獎勵制度。鼓勵教師與圖書館人員積極尋求教學上的合作,以利校內資訊科技融入教學的推動。(4)維持良好互動。與老師建立良好的關係是所有圖書館經營者首要的工作,也是圖書館活動推動成敗的關鍵。 最後,本研究為圖書館支援教學提出幾點建議,供相關單位參考:(1)多辦校內座談,了解老師需求;(2)鼓勵參加研習,提昇資訊素養;(3)教學作業指派,生活化數位化;(4)合作支援教學,訂定獎勵辦法;(5)圖書館員特質,需專業及熱忱;(6)增設支援編組,提供專業服務;(7)整合入口網站,連結網路資源;(8)區域資源整合,建電子資料庫 In today’s informational education, information technology is fused into the courses, materials, and teaching also provides a meaningful learning progress to the learners for better teaching effect. These are the creativity and breakthrough that a teacher should have in teaching. The function of the school’s library is to collect and provide teaching materials to support teachers in teaching and students in learning. Therefore, it should have a close cooperative relationship with the teachers. This research is to discuss the situation, degree, and liberay-support-teaching strategy of the information technology brought in by high school teacher. We used questionnaire investigation and the group interview to gain the data and the opinion of the high school teachers on these issues. Later, propose effective strategies that support teaching. In general, the current status of high school teachers blend in the informational information is: (1) the integral performance is bad; (2) it’s better in making teaching tools but worse in communication and sharing; (3) male, age under 40, with highest degree of bachelor and 6-10 years of teaching experiences in the arts and also hold administration office has better performance; (4) teachers in public high school who make use of library a lot and attend information-related seminar for more than 24 hours within a year have better performance. For investigating teachers blend in information technology, we adapted LoTi scale with eight simple levels to classify the degree. The research result is similar to the current status that (1) the integral blend in degree is “average;” (2) blend in level 4a (integrate- mechanization) has the highest proportion; (3) the blend in ratio of entire teacher is 2:5:3, low-medium-high; (4) male, age under 30, with highest degree of bachelor and 6-10 years of teaching experiences in the arts, attend seminar for 19-24 hours within a year, teach in Taipei City with an administration position in public high school and often use the library has better performance The general resulf of the demand and satisfatory degree that teachers hold toward liberary support teaching are: (1) integral performance: strong teaching demand but bad satisfactor; (2) in the aspect of teaching demand, “Internet resource and electronic database” has the highest point; “long-distance teaching support” has lowest point; (3) teachers’ personal variables of public high school teachers, medium blend in level (3-benedly, 4- integrate) have higher teaching demand; (4) in the aspect of satisfactory, “soft- and hard-ware equipment” has higher point and “long-distance teaching support” has lower point; (5) the satisfactory of teachers in Pingdong County is lower than those in Taipei City; teachers in private vocational school has lower satisfactory than those teachers in other kinds of schools. The result of general interview is that the effective support strategy of high school library includes: (1) enrich teaching resource. Libraries should provide abundant electronic books, electronic resources and databases for teaching; establishes cross field material, courses, and evaluating learning platform, etc; (2) elevate service. The library should have a team with profession and enthusiastic; hold regular discussion, information knowledge seminar to understand the needs of teachers and students also increase informational content; cope with teaching demand and collect these data and make recommendations, etc.; (3) build up a reward system. Encourage teachers actively work with the librarians in favor of blending of school informational technology; (4) maintain good interaction. Having a good relationship with teachers is the primary work of all librarians and it also is the key to the success of the library activities. Finally, this research proposes several recommendations in library-support teaching for related units: (1) hold more in school discussion to understand the needs of the teachers; (2) encourage teachers to participate in the seminar to increase literacy in information; (3) assign teaching material with life and digitalize; (4) corporate in supporting teaching and draw reward regulations; (5) the quality of a libarian should be both professional and enthusiastic; (6) set up additional support team to provide professional service; (7) integrate access website to link to the Internaet resources; (8) integrate destric resource and set up electronic database. |
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