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    Title: 台灣客語分類詞諺語:隱喻與轉喻之應用
    Classifier/Measure word proverbial expressions in Taiwanese Hakka: metaphor and metonymy
    Authors: 彭曉貞
    Peng, Xiao Zhen
    Contributors: 賴惠玲
    Lai, Huei Ling
    Peng, Xiao Zhen
    Keywords: 客語
    proverbial expressions
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2011-10-05 14:25:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文應用隱喻與轉喻之理論觀點,探討台灣客語分類詞諺語之認知語意機制如何運作。首先,根據Kövecses and Radden (1998) 從認知語言學角度所提出的轉喻理論,分析台灣客語分類詞諺語中的轉喻類型。接著,本論文分析台灣客語分類詞諺語中隱喻機制的運作,結果發現普遍而言,隱喻都是以轉喻為基礎。此外,本研究針對Radden (2003) 所提出以轉喻為基礎的隱喻之四種來源分類提出修正。
    除了呈現認知語意機制,文化制約之世界普遍性及台灣客家文化之特殊性也在台灣客語分類詞諺語中展現出來。最後,透過Lakoff and Turner (1989) 所提出的生命物種之大鏈隱喻,我們了解諺語所表達的最終概念是以人為中心,而且諺語通常帶有勸世的功能。簡言之,本論文藉由探討認知語意機制如何在台灣客語分類詞諺語中運作,呈現人類認知過程以及展現台灣客家文化。
    This thesis aims to explore how the cognitive mechanisms are operated in the classifiers and measure words in Taiwanese Hakka proverbial expressions, in particular metonymy, the interaction between metaphor and metonymy, idiomaticity, and cultural constraints. Since human conceptual system is fundamentally metaphorical in nature, classifiers, representing conceptual classification of the world, are found to manifest metonymically and metaphorically.
    First, based on the metonymic relationships proposed by Kövecses and Radden (1998), cases involving metonymy are carefully spelled out. Then, cases involving the interaction between metaphor and metonymy are elaborated. The metaphors activated in these cases are generally grounded in metonymy, which evidences that metaphors generally have a metonymic basis (Radden 2003).
    Apart from displaying cognitive mechanisms, the classifier/measure word proverbial expressions in Taiwanese Hakka exhibit Taiwanese Hakka-specific cultural constraints and near universality in conceptual metaphors (Kövecses 2002). Cases which are more specific to Taiwanese Hakka are semantically more opaque whereas cases which are more near universal are semantically more transparent (Gibbs 1995). Furthermore, through the GREAT CHAIN METAPHOR proposed by Lakoff and Turner (1989), we know that all the proverbial expressions are ultimately concerned about human beings. Moreover, proverbial expressions tend to carry pragmatic-social functions, conveying exhortations.
    In brief, the cognitive mechanisms of metonymy as well as the interaction between metaphor and metonymy are pervasively found in classifier/measure word proverbial expressions in Taiwanese Hakka. Through unraveling the conceptual mechanisms associated with classifiers and measure words in Taiwanese Hakka proverbial expressions, this study betters our understanding of human cognition in general and Taiwanese Hakka culture in particular.
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