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Title: | 凝聚員工創造永續發展的未來: 以一跨國食品公司為例 Engaging Employees for a Sustainable Future: A Case Study of a Multi-national Food Company |
Authors: | 廖育令 Liao, Lana |
Contributors: | 劉助 Liu, James 廖育令 Liao, Lana |
Keywords: | 凝聚員工 永續發展 跨國食品公司 |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-09-29 18:20:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 凝聚員工創造永續發展的未來: 以一跨國食品公司為例 Successful business leaders understand the importance of aligning talents behind the strategy in accomplishing goals. The fundamental element required to thrive and grow in this business environment is people – the energy, ingenuity and engagement of your workforce. By focusing on the research questions including (1) what drives employee engagement (2) why does engagement matter and (3) how does a firm enhance and sustain engagement, this research attempts to determine the drivers and impact of engagement and the means of bringing it alive to help organizations win.
The key findings of this research are (1) engagement is a two-way interaction between the employee and employer and involves employees exerting discretionary effort over and above what is normally expected 2) the primary driving force behind engagement is the organization, its view of engagement and how it acts to create an environment conducive to engaging employees (3) engagement impacts business results in productivity, profitability, customer metrics, safety and retention and (4) engaging employees begins with understanding and aligning business and employee needs and require ongoing focus on changing behaviors, processes, and systems to anticipate and respond to organization’s needs. All levels within an organization, from leadership to frontline employees, must commit to making these changes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii
1.1. Research Background 1
1.2. Research Objectives 1
1.3. Research Methodology 2
1.4. Report Structure 2
2.1. Introduction 5
2.2. Evolution of the Concept 5
2.3. Definitions of Employee Engagement 10
2.4. Summary and Key Findings 14
3.1. Introduction 17
3.2 Modeling Engagement 18
3.3. The Role of Engagement in Organizational Outcomes 26
3.4. Organizational Variations 30
3.5. Employee Variations 32
3.6. Summary and key findings 35
4.1. Introduction 38
4.2. Belief in Engagement 39
4.3. Extent of Engagement 40
4.4. Impact of Engagement 41
4.5. Cost of Engagement 45
4.6. Importance of Engagement 46
4.7. Summary and Key Findings 48
5.1. Introduction 50
5.2. Measurement at the Recruitment Stage 50
5.3. Measurement among Existing Employees 51
5.4. Monitoring Engagement 58
5.5. Summary and Key Findings 59
6.1. Introduction 61
6.2. Case Study Context 61
6.3. Case Approach 62
7.1. Conclusions 77
7.2. Recommendations 80
7.3. Early Results 81
7.4. Limitations 81
7.5. Suggestions for Future Research 81
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營管理英語碩士學位學程(IMBA) 93933030 99 |
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