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Title: | 都市生態旅遊資源非市場價值之研究 – 以貓空地區為例 The non-market value of urban ecotourism resources - a case study of MaoKong area |
Authors: | 劉匡英 Liu, Kuang Ying |
Contributors: | 邊泰明 Ben, Tai-Ming 劉匡英 Liu, Kuang Ying |
Keywords: | 貓空 生態旅遊 非市場價值 條件評估法 MaoKong Ecotourism Non-Market Value Contingent Valuation Method(CVM) |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-09 16:44:52 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 20世紀60年代以降,在強調自然環境護與觀光地區永續利用理念的潮流之下,世界上許多關注於生態保育的學者與民間團體,紛紛提出並推廣了兼顧自然保育與遊憩發展目的—生態旅遊(ecotourism)。 台灣地狹人稠且都市擴張迅速,使得許多自然環境資源已逐漸成為都市的一部分,加上近年來國人休閒意識的覺醒與親近自然環境的需求增加,更讓自然環境地區成為都市人們不可或缺的紓壓與渡假場所。位於台北市文山區南端的貓空地區,便是在過去20~30年間休閒遊憩發展蓬勃的景點,以鄰近都會區、特色茶產與宗教聖地—指南宮為名。貓空地區大多屬於農業保護區。海拔在七百公尺以下,雖不甚陡峭但地貌複雜多變、雨量豐沛,植物林相及生物資源豐富。加上貓空地區規劃完善之登山步道系統、遠近馳名的宗教聖地指南宮以及著名的茶產文化,提供了發展生態旅遊的生態動植物資源、休閒遊憩資源、宗教文化資源以及產業文化資源,且因為位於台北市都會區,與近年國際興起的「都市型生態旅遊」之型態不謀而合。 都市型生態旅遊地區除了提供與一般遊憩區皆有的遊憩、休閒、教育等使用價值外,尚有生態環境保育效益的非使用價值存在,為評估都市生態旅遊地區所具有的完整環境價值,本研究運用條件評估法(Contingent Valuation Method, CVM),以支付卡法(payment card method)之詢價方式獲得遊客的願付價格(willing to pay, WTP),並採用負二元名義(negative binomial)模式建立迴歸模型,獲得主要結果為:存在價值每年約3,693,065,610元,遺贈價值約每年5,368,737,520元,非市場價值高達約每年9,061,803,130元。 From 1960s, due to the rise of environment protecting concepts and sustainable use of tourist spots, there are more and more non-government organizations and scholars, who care about ecological conversation, propose the importance of ecotourism, which aim at both the conversation of natural and recreation development. Taiwan is densely populated and has rapidly urban expansion, which has caused natural environmental resources gradually becoming a important part of city. Moreover, the awareness of leisure consciousness and increasing need for accessing to the natural have made it an indispensable relaxing and vacation location for Taipei people. Maokong, located at the south of Wen-Shan district in Taipei, is a famous spot with burgeoning creation activities over the past twenty-five years. It is well-known for its convenience, characteristic tea industry and the sacred place-Zhinan Temple. Mostly parts of Maokong belong to agricultural reservation. The altitude is 700 meters below, although not as steep as others, it has a diversity of terrain features, abundant in rainfall, botanical life-form and organism resources. Those plentiful ecological resources above, the great location near the urban, old-line religious history and culture, plus perfect planning of mountain climbing trail. With all the inborn conditions make Maokong perfect for developing the international-popular leisure style - urban ecotourism. Urban ecotourism place provides not only the use value of recreation, leisure and education, but also the non-use value of preservation benefits. In order to evaluate the total value, I used Contingent Valuation Method with Payment Card Method to get the Willing to Pay of tourists, and further I used the Negative Binomial to establish the model. The main result: the Existence Value is about $3,693,065,610(TWD) per year, the Bequest Value is about $5,368,737,520(TWD) per year, finally the Non-market value is about $9,061,803,130 (TWD). |
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網路參考資料 International Eco-city association, 2006, The International Conference on Ecocities, Retrieved April 5, 2009 from: http://www.tciconferences.com/ecocity2006/scope_symposia.html Planeta, 2006, Urban Ecotourism Declaration, Retrieved April 5, 2009 from: http://www.planeta.com/ecotravel/tour/urbandeclaration.html Planeta, 2007, Defining Urban Ecotourism, Retrieved April 7, 2009 from: http://forum.planeta.com/viewtopic.php?t=257 |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政研究所 96257006 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096257006 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [地政學系] 學位論文
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