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    Title: 台灣器官移植困境及其因應之道
    Analysis and recommendations of the current organ transplants in Taiwan
    Authors: 許文章
    Contributors: 黃源盛
    Keywords: 器官移植
    organ transplant
    organ donation
    dilemma of organ sources
    amendment of the “Human Organ Transplant Bill”
    organ trading
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 17:31:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 長久以來,台灣一直存在捐贈器官不足的情形,阻滯器官移植的進展。如何在現有的法令規範中,突破面臨的困境,增加器官捐贈及移植的來源?如何適切修正現有法令規範的限制,造福更多等待器官移植的患者,使其重獲生命價值與意義?是筆者一直深切期待的。台灣移植器官來源面臨的困境,包括華人社會特有的文化習俗、器官捐贈登錄制度推廣不易、指定捐贈與親屬限制等原因;其所造成的影響包括國人器官捐贈意願降低、前往中國大陸或海外尋求移植的人數大量增加、可能的違法器官買賣等。本文將逐一加以探究其原因,藉以了解制度面與實際執行面的差異。


    In Taiwan, the progress of organ transplants has long been deterred by the shortage of organ donations. As a surgeon, the thoughts of finding ways to increase the numbers and sources of organ transplants under the current laws, and of modifying the inappropriate restrictions of the current laws in order to benefit more patients waiting for organ transplants and hopefully new lives, have always been lingering in my mind. The dilemma of organ donation shortage comes from: Chinese traditional customs, unsuccessful promotion of the organ donation registration system, and the restrictions of laws regarding the designated organ donators and relatives. The results are: the low willingness of organ donations by the general public, the increasing numbers of patients going overseas and to China for organ transplants, illegal organ trading, etc. This paper is aimed to explore the reasons behind the current results so that we can get a better view of the differences between the current legal system and the actual implementation.

    In order to better understand how the current organ transplant laws are carried out by the legal authorities in Taiwan`s judicial systems, this paper will examine and analyze the past civil, criminal, and executive decisions related to the organ transplantations. Currently the new amendment of the “Human Organ Transplant Bill” is still in the Legislative Yuan`s review process. So this paper will analyze the detailed contents of this amended bill, discuss the differences between the original and the amended bill and the direction of the legislation execution, recommend the proper solutions before the amended bill is passed, and analyze and induce other countries` organ transplantation bills for future amending reference.

    The purpose of this paper is aimed to achieve the goal of proposing proper recommendations and strategies, through inspecting the necessity and legitimacy of organ transplant from various legal system discourses and amendments, to the fields of medicine, law and related government authorities regarding to the legitimacy of organ transplant and increasing the sources of the legal organ donations, in order to lessen the current Taiwan`s organ donation plight.
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