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    Title: 創新能耐對於OEM轉型ODM導向企業之影響 - 技術領導與競爭優勢之個案研究
    The influence of innovative capability on OEM transfer to ODM-oriented enterprises - a research on leading technology and advantage competition
    Authors: 宋子喬
    Contributors: 李易諭
    Keywords: 創新能耐
    OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturing)
    ODM(Original Design Manufacturing)
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 01:58:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 現今,產業競爭已轉變成全球性的競爭,台灣代工企業與國際知名品牌企業、高科技產業存在著“共存共榮”的臍帶關係,台灣代工企業必須不斷提本身之高度競爭力以維繫其不可取代之地位,否則即面臨客戶轉單、甚或被淘汰之命運。各代工企業不僅要在其生產技術上需保持領先的地位,更需在競爭策略上尋求轉型升級與技術創新,以避免被競爭者所取代,並擺脫製造代工的微利競爭;因此,當今代工企業的風險在於持續的創新能力,雖說早期代工企業僅需專注於代工製造,但隨著產品的大量生產與使用規格之統一,加上資訊之普及與快速,技術能力漸趨一致,不再是高門檻難以跨越,導致市場競爭就愈形激烈。代工企業不能只憑一招半式獨闖江湖,代工企業成長獲利的關鍵,不只在於成本管理或者製程改善,更在於敏銳的市場預測能力與核心競爭力,而從各種明確之例証顯示,創新能耐之建立更是長治久安不可或缺之主要成功因素;宏達電從為世界知名手機品牌製造代工高階智慧型手機起家,進而轉型至設計代工,一直到自創Dopod品牌,接著又將品牌重新命名為HTC;華碩電腦(ASUS)從為世界PCB 製造代工(OEM),進而轉型至設計代工(ODM),一直到2007年成功開發” Eee PC “ Netbook (小筆電),並於2010 年與和碩(PEGATRON)分家,和碩(PEGATRON)代工企業與華碩電腦(ASUS)品牌經營正式分道揚鑣;這種種跡象充分顯示為唯有建立創新能耐才能尋找出核心競爭能耐的方向及重點,也才能決定企業在產業價值鏈的位置與所從事的價值活動。
    Today, competition has turned into a global competition, the Taiwanese OEM companies with international famous brand enterprises, high-tech industries there is a deeply relationship of "living together", the Taiwan OEM companies must be constantly enhancing their competitiveness in order to maintain they valuable position that its status can not be replaced, otherwise face the status of cancel the order by customer, or even the fate of being eliminated. The business of OEM was not only in its production technology to keep the leading position, but also need to seek the transformation and upgrading of competitive strategy and technological innovation, in order to avoid being replaced by competitors, and get rid of low-profit competition; therefore, today`s risk of OEM business rely on the continuous innovation capability, although early OEM business only needs focused on manufacturing, but as a large number of production run and use specifications of unity, plus information on popular and fast, and specifications become more standardized, it’s no longer a high thresholds and can’t pass through, resulting in the market competition is increasingly fierce. OEM business cannot only rely on go it alone, meant that the OEM business key profit enterprise growth is not only to improve cost management, or process, but also to keep a keen market prediction capabilities and core competencies, and examples from a variety of shows that innovation is the ability to establish long-term stability indispensable primary success factors; HTC from the world famous OEM business of high-end smart phones started, and then transferred to a ODM business, has been to own Dopod brand, and subsequently the brand re-named the HTC; ASUS Computer from PCB OEM in the world, and then transferred to ODM business, has been successfully developed "Eee PC" Netbook (mini Notebook) in 2007, and it was separated PEGATRON (ODM) and ASUS in 2010, PEGATRON officially parted ways with ASUS brand management; these signs appear only when you full build innovation ability to find out the core competitive ability of the direction and focus, you can also decide your positioning and activities in the value-chain of enterprise.
    When OEM model transfer to ODM model, and gradually took over the value activities in the R&D (Research and Development), the ODM model started independent research and development, which aims to provide brand enterprises more competitive. effective and innovative solutions, and set up the good partnerships with brands companies; therefore, through the case study, and face the challenge era, how to build self innovation by popularity, and establish core competency, from OEM model transfer to ODM model, but also put to the proof of its operating performance, to verify the transformation and upgrading policy that can make a profit of enterprise, and finally provide specific suggestions to enterprises when face on transformation and upgrading situations, I hope it also can be for reference to other OEM companies that they are facing difficulties.
    第一章 緒論 1
    第一節 研究背景與動機 1
    第二節 研究目的與範圍 3
    第三節 研究流程 4
    第二章 文獻探討 6
    第一節 代工轉型 6
    第二節 競爭策略 12
    第三節 核心能耐 18
    第四節 價值活動 26
    第五節 創新法則 31
    第六節 流程管控 45
    第七節 知識管理 51
    第三章 研究設計 60
    第一節 研究架構 60
    第二節 研究方法 61
    第三節 研究對象 62
    第四節 資料蒐集 62
    第四章 外部環境分析 66
    第一節 總體環境分析 66
    第二節 產業環境分析 80
    第三節 產業價值鏈 85
    第五章 個案分析 90
    第一節 企業現況 90
    第二節 企業轉型前之產業變化 92
    第三節 企業面臨之問題與挑戰 94
    第四節 SWOT彙整 97
    第五節 轉型過程之策略分析 99
    第六節 轉型過程之價值活動 111
    第七節 轉型過程之成果展現 117
    第八節 成功建立創新能耐促進轉型之關鍵因素 121
    第六章 結論與建議 128
    第一節 研究發現與結論 128
    第二節 研究貢獻 129
    第三節 實務上建議 129
    第四節 後續研究建議 131
    圖1-1-1: 全球化三部曲 3
    圖1-3-1: 本論文研究流程 5
    圖2-2-1: 技術面的競爭策略 15
    圖2-2-2: 技術地位與跨入時機 18
    圖2-3-1: 建立公司的核心競爭力 20
    圖2-4-1: 價值鏈 28
    圖2-4-2: 「價值活動組合」的價值差異 30
    圖2-5-1: 破壞性創新 34
    圖2-5-2: 破壞性創新模型圖 35
    圖2-5-3: 品類成熟生命周期 38
    圖2-5-4: 產品生命周期各階段的創新類型 39
    圖2-5-5:成長市場的創新類型 40
    圖2-5-6:技術採用生命周期 42
    圖2-7-1:認知結構,吸收能耐與創新 52
    圖2-7-2:四種知識轉換模式與所創造的知識內容 55
    圖3-1-1:本論文研究架構 61
    圖4-1-1 : IT產業發展的五個創新階段及學習曲線 67
    圖4-3-1:OEM,ODM與OBM 的價值活動趨向 86
    圖4-3-2: 強化研發設計能力 87
    圖4-3-3: OEM,ODM與OBM 價值活動之資源變化曲線 89
    圖5-4-1: 個案公司SWOT分析 97
    圖5-5-1: 新世代終端產品趨勢 100
    圖5-5-2: 國內智慧型手機結構分析 101
    圖5-5-3: 國內的電子產業結構 103
    圖5-5-4: 全球的WiMAX CPE產值 105
    圖5-5-5: Mobil TV Sip 應用於PND的市場規模 105
    圖5-5-6: 歷年國內系統構裝產品發展趨勢 106
    圖5-5-7: 次系統供應商與構裝廠的整併趨勢 108
    圖5-5-8: 封裝疊層(PoP)橫截面 109
    圖5-5-9: 薄型化內埋技術發展趨勢 110
    圖5-5-10: 國內通訊系統構裝之產業結構 110
    圖5-6-1: 個案公司核心技術 112
    圖5-6-2: 個案公司在產業價值鏈之位置與活動 113
    圖5-6-3: 個案公司創新科技樹 116
    圖5-7-1: SiP 模組微小化趨勢 118
    圖5-8-1: 個案公司目前主要問題及要因分析 121
    圖5-8-2: 成功建立創新能耐促進轉型之關鍵因素 122

    表2-1-1:OEM與ODM之比較 9
    表2-1-2:有無品牌之優缺點比較 10
    表2-2-1:企業競爭策略之比較 14
    表2-3-1:核心資源的內涵 23
    表2-5-1:品類成熟生命周期各階段比較 38
    表2-6-1:開發程序各主要功能任務與責任 48
    表2-7-1:兩種形式的知識 54
    表4-3-1: 產品研發的模式 87
    表5-5-1 : WLAN內建模組(SiP)的商機 104
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