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Title: | 台北縣立高中職附設進修學校學生學習滿意度調查之研究 |
Authors: | 吳松溪 |
Contributors: | 秦夢群 吳松溪 |
Keywords: | 高中職附設進修學校 學習滿意度 成人學習者 affiliated adult schools learning satisfaction adults as learners |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2010-04-25 17:19:33 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討台北縣立高中職附設高中職進修學校學生的學習滿意度,作為教育行政機關與學校因應成人學習者終身學習的參考。本研究以台北縣的公立高中職為範圍,包括樹林、清水、三民、海山、永平、秀峰、錦和、安康、三重以及鶯歌高職等十所縣立高中職附設高中職進修學校作為研究對象。各縣立高中職附設高中職進修學校的學生,共計1429人,進行問卷調查。所使用的研究工具為「台北縣立高中職附設進修學校學生學習滿意度調查問卷」,內容包括教師教學、課程內容、學習環境、行政服務等四構面。問卷回收情形,共計收回1220 份,有效回收率為85%。本研究所使用 的統計方法,包含描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析與Scheffe 事後多重比較檢定等方法。 本研究結論如下: 一、高中職附設進修學校學生對於在校學習滿意度,整體而言尚屬滿意。 二、高中職附設進修學校學生滿意度最高的層面為教師教學:於「教師的口 語清楚,教學重點掌握」、「師生互動模式」滿意度較高;「教師使用 視聽媒體能力」滿意度較低。 三、高中職附設進修學校學生滿意度最低的層面為課程內容:只有「課程有 助於促進自我學習」一項滿意度較高;而「課程安排與個人需求相符 合」及「課程內容幫助社區發展與進步」屬於滿意程度較低者。 四、學習環境層面有待改善:「班上同學相互關懷情形」及「班上同學相處 融洽情形」滿意度較高;「班級桌椅的安排適當」及「廁所使用方便與 清潔」等項滿意度較低。 五、行政服務層面仍有改善空間:「註冊手續的方便性」及「提供停車服 務」滿意度較高;而「提供課外學習活動諮詢」及「圖書館開放的時 間」的服務滿意度較低。 六、性別、家庭總收入、上學交通時間及學校歷史等4個背景變項中均未達 顯著差異。 七、年齡、年級、職業、婚姻狀況、教育程度、工作年資及學校性質等7個 背景變項的部分層面中達顯著差異
最後,本研究根據以上結論,分別針對政府、高中職附設進修學校、教師及後續研究提出數點建議。 The study attempts to understand the degree of learning satisfaction among affiliated adult schools in Taipei county high schools and vocational high schools so as to provide references about lifelong learning of adults for the educational authorities concerned. The subjects of the study include 1429 adult students in nine different county high schools and one vocational high school.There were 1220 valid questionnaires were compiled and the valid percentage was 85%.The contents of the questionnaires include the following four aspects:teaching ,curriculum,learning environment,and administrative service.The tools used in the study include descriptive statistics,t-test,one way ANOVA and scheffe’s posterior comparisons. The results of the study are presented as the following: 1.The general degree of learning satisfaction among the adult students in the affiliated high schools is above average. 2.The aspect of teachers’teaching is the most satisfactory part, with the items of “clear and organized teaching, harmonious interaction more satisfactory” than the item of “teachers’abilities of using audio-visual teaching aids .” 3.The aspect of curriculum is the least satisfactory part, with the item of “courses provided are beneficial to future self-learning” more satisfactory than the items of “the arrangement of course meet individual needs”and “the contents of the courses benefit the development and improvement of the community.” 4.The aspect of learning environment desires to be improved, with the items of “concerning classmates” and “getting along well with classmates” more satisfactory than the items of “the appropriate arrangement of desks and chairs” and “the availability and hygiene of the toilets.” 5.The aspect of administrative service also desires to be improved, with the items of “the convenience of enrollment” and “the availability of parking space” more satisfactory than the items of “the availability of consulting extracurricular activities” and “the availability of library service.” 6.Four background variables, including gender, total family income, commuting time, and school history, are not significantly different in the study. 7.Seven background variables, including age, grade, career, marital status, background of education,work seniority, and school quality, are significantly different in the study.
Finally, based on the above results, the study has presented some suggestions to the government, the affiliated adult high schools and vocational high schools, teachers and future researchers. |
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