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    Title: 藝匠型企業核心能耐之演進--以台灣手機產業為例
    Evolution in core capabilities of modern craftsman company- Taiwanese mobile phone industry
    Authors: 陳雅蘭
    Contributors: 李仁芳
    Keywords: 藝匠型企業
    Modern Craftsman Company
    Core Capabilities
    Customer Capital
    Connection & Development
    Long-term Competence
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2010-04-08 16:00:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣資通訊產業面臨毛利率與獲利屢創新低的困境,但國內部分企業仍能維持高於同業的毛利率與獲利水準,本研究將這類企業稱為「藝匠型企業」,研究問題包括:(1)藝匠型企業應如何定義?(2)藝匠型企業的核心能耐為何?(3)藝匠型企業如何培養與延伸新的核心能耐?有哪些途徑?如何選擇?





    1. 內部研發是在既有資源(人員、時間、資金)充足、目標是重點新能耐時的第一選擇,通常可形成長期競爭力;
    2. 外部併購或合資通常是為了快速卡位(快速取得新核心能耐及市場),併購是完整移轉其他企業的核心能耐,若整合成功可形成長期競爭力,合資則僅移轉其他企業的部分核心能耐,因此通常只是短期競爭力;
    3. 聯結研發的速度與成本介於中間,有助於借外界長處、同時培養內部專屬知識。其中強勢網絡的深度聯結研發,表示參與者均投入較強的組織承諾,有機會帶來長期競爭力,弱勢網絡則因多方的組織承諾不同,通常只是短期競爭力。
    While the IT and Telecom Industry in Taiwan generally suffers from low gross-margin rate and profit, some companies still sustain these at a higher level than others. In this thesis, these outstanding companies are defined as “Modern Craftsman Companies.” The aim of this thesis is to find out: (1) How to define “Modern Craftsman Company”? (2) What are the core capabilities of a Modern Craftsman Company? (3) How does a Modern Craftsman Company develop its core capabilities and extend into new ones? What are the paths? How to make the choices?

    Research was conducted using case studies of five companies in the mobile phone industry. The results show that when Modern Craftsman Companies extend the scope of their businesses, they devote themselves to a certain area of technology and go deep into it. Also, their spirit of actively experimenting along with regular knowledge-creating activities results in their ability of foreseeing great opportunities. Lastly, long and strong relationships with leading suppliers and major clients not only brings stable and sustainable orders, but also help these companies have control over or even co-define the trends of future technology.

    Thus, Modern Craftsman Companies have an ever-improving core competence position and long-term competence, not just luck or abilities that only work in short-term. This is how Modern Craftsman Companies can keep a higher margin rate and profit rate.

    The core competence of Modern Craftsman Company is the combination of physical technical systems, the managerial system, employee knowledge and skill, and its values and norms. This combination is deeply influenced by the founders’ and management’s expertise. Because this kind of company tends to cultivate its talents using a mentor system and the employees need to know the process very well, it is very unlikely that it obtains its core competence simply by recruiting its staff.

    Modern Craftsman Companies tend to extend their core competence to the up-stream part of the industry. The paths include internal development, acquisition & development, connection & development:

    1. Internal development is the best choice when the existing resources (human resource, time, capital) are abundant and the new aim is an important competence.

    2. Acquisition and joint venture are usually used to gain a new core competence and market quickly. Acquisition is to have the other firm’s core competence fully transferred. If successfully integrated into the acquirer itself, a long-term competence is formed. Joint venture is used only to transfer some part of the other firm’s competence and usually merely brings short-term competence.

    3. Connection & development works somewhere between the two above-mentioned principles in perspective of speed and cost. It helps by utilizing external expertise as well as developing internal exclusive knowledge. When the network of connection & development is strong, the involved parties commit more and therefore there is greater chance of forming long-term competence. On the other hand, when the network is weak, commitments on different parties bring only short-term competence.
    Reference: 中文部份
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094359003
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