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    Title: 台灣地區農地重劃制度調整之研究
    A Study on the Adjustment of Farmland Consolidation Institution in Taiwan
    Authors: 丁秀吟
    Ding,Hsiu Yin
    Contributors: 林森田
    Lin,Sen Tyan
    Ding,Hsiu Yin
    Keywords: 農地重劃
    farmland consolidation
    rural community land readjustment
    cluster farmhouse
    institutional change
    institutional adjustment
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 16:09:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   目前台灣地區農村發展之生產與生活面功能係由農地重劃、農村社區土地重劃及農地興建農舍等三個制度執行來達成,其中透過農地重劃達經濟面之生產功能,而藉由農村社區土地重劃與農地興建農舍制度提供生活面之需求。然制度個別執行之結果,不僅導致生產農地之破壞與流失,亦增加農地利用之交易成本。面臨這些問題,生產農地之維護為當務之急。雖然長期以來農地重劃為維護農地生產力之主要制度,但由於農地重劃之發展受到制度變遷路徑相依之影響,不易因應社會變遷而改變其只具單一生產功能之制度內涵,故若要同時達到農村地區之生產與生活功能,或可透過農地重劃之制度調整解決問題並兼顧生產與生活功能之農村發展。
    Farmland consolidation institution in Taiwan has only been applied to improve the production environment during the past 50 years. Nowadays, due to the dramatic change of social and economic environment in Taiwan as well as the tendency of multifunctional rural community and agricultural development, the institution is due to proper consideration to be altered. In addition, the separately enforcement of three institutions i.e. farmland consolidation, building of farmhouse and rural community consolidation, results in the serious pollution of agricultural environment and the loss of high- quality farmland. How to adjust the current institution of farmland consolidation so as to reach the objectives of both better production and living environment in rural areas is an important issue.
    This study, based on the institutional change theory, investigates the changing role of farmland consolidation in Taiwan. Moreover, examines the problems of integrating farmland consolidation and rural community land readjustment at Shihfen area located in Tainan County Cigou Towship is examined. After literatures review and the investigation of farmhouse as well as farmland use problems, proposes three alternative institutions of farmland consolidation. Analytical Network Process (ANP) Approach is employed to evaluate. Furthermore, the criteria and implication of the choosing institution are discussed so as to benefit the framework of integrated farmland consolidation in the Bill of the Revival of Rural Community.
    Reference: 中文
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