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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/35203
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    Title: A Schema and Ontology-Assisted Heterogeneous Information Integration Study
    Authors: 龔怡寧
    Kung, Yi-Ning
    Contributors: 諶家蘭
    Seng, Jia-Lang
    Kung, Yi-Ning
    Keywords: 異質資訊整合
    Heterogeneous Information Integration
    Syntactic and Semantic Interoperability
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 14:26:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 由於對資訊科技以及網際網路/和企業內網路的依賴持續加深,異質資訊整合在電子化企業中已經成為一個普遍存在而且相當重要的議題。因為在缺乏整合的情形下個別地存取異質資訊來源可能會造成資訊的混亂,而且在電子化企業的環境中,這麼做也不符合成本效益決策支援管理分析。在傳統異質資訊整合的研究中,通常會創造一個共同資料模式來處理異質性的問題,而可延伸性標記語言已經成為網路上交換資訊時的標準文件格式,使得XML成為整合工作中共同資料模式的一個很好的候選者;然而,XML僅能夠處理結構異質性,無法處理語意異質性,而本體論被視為是一個重要而且自然的工具可以用來表現真實世界中模糊不清的語意和關係,因此,在本研究中也加入了本體論以期達到異質資訊整合中的語意互動性。
    在本篇論文中,我們提出一個以學名結構導向非特殊隨機式對應的方法來產生全區域綱要方法(Global Schema),以促成非傳統而是以網路為基礎的異質資訊整合。我們也提出一個對異質資訊來源較具智慧性的查詢方法,該查詢方法應用了global-as-view (GAV)全區域景觀導向方法加上本體論觀念運用,可以同時提高對底層異質資訊來源的結構互動性和語意互動性。我們透過雛型系統的實作來驗證本研究所提供的異質資訊整合方法的可行性。
    The research issues of heterogeneous information integration have become ubiquitous and critically important in e-business (EB) with the increasing dependence on Internet/Intranet and information technology (IT). Accessing the heterogeneous information sources separately without integration may lead to the chaos of information requested. It is also not cost-effective in EB settings. A common general way to deal with heterogeneity problems in traditional HII is to create a common data model. The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) has been the standard data document format for exchanging information on the Web. XML only deals with the structural heterogeneity; it can barely handle the semantic heterogeneity. Ontologies are regarded as an important and natural means to represent the implicit semantics and relationships in the real world. And they are used to assist to reach semantic interoperability in HII in this research.
    In this thesis, we provide a generic construct orientation no ad hoc method to generate the global schema to enable the web-based alternative to traditional HII. We provide a wiser query method over multiple heterogeneous information sources by applying global-as-view (GAV) approach with the use of ontology to enhance both structural and semantic interoperability of the underlying heterogeneous information sources. We construct a prototype implementing the method to provide a proof on the validity and feasibility.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0091356011
    Data Type: thesis
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