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    Title: 兒童在親子對話中重新請求之研究
    A Study of Children`s Request Reformulation in Mother-Child Conversation
    Authors: 古雅婷
    Ku,Ya ting
    Contributors: 黃瓊之
    Huang,Chiung chih
    Ku,Ya ting
    Keywords: 兒童語言習得
    child language acquisition
    perspective-taking ability
    request reformulation
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:26:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本篇論文的目的在於探討兒童在親子對話中行使重新請求 (request reformulation) 的情況,研究問題如下: 1.兒童採取哪些重新請求的策略以達到請求的目的? 2.親子對話中,常見的重新請求的序列模式(patterns of request reformulation sequences)為何? 2.如何從兒童重新請求的使用反映出角色取代能力 (perspective-taking ability )的發展? 研究對象為一位三歲和一位六歲的男孩。研究結果顯示隨著年紀的增長,兒童能使用更多元的重新請求策略。研究也發現造成請求失敗的原因隨著不同年齡的兒童有所差異。隨著年紀的增長,兒童面臨的失敗原因和挑戰日漸複雜、困難,兒童會依據不同的失敗原因採取重新請求的策略。最後,研究顯示不同年齡兒童採取的重新請求策略可以展現出他們不同階段的角色取代能力的發展。三歲的兒童無法跳脫自己的觀點而從別人的角度來看待自己的請求,所以重新請求著重於強調自己的需求。六歲的兒童較能夠從別人的立場看待自己的請求,所以他較有能力在考量對方的觀點和利益之後採用對雙方有益的策略。
    The purpose of this study is to explore how children at different age make reformulation to compensate for an unsuccessful request. Firstly, we aim to investigate what reformulation strategies children apply and the patterns of reformulation sequences. Second, we further aim to explore how children’s use of reformulation strategies reveals the development of perspective-taking ability. The data analyzed are natural conversations of two Mandarin-speaking mother-child dyads. Subjects in this present study are two male children. One subject is three years and six months old and the other is six years old. The strategies of request reformulation adopted in this study are mainly based on Levin and Rubin’s (1984) categorization. The results show that children would have a greater variety of reformulation strategies as they get older. Furthermore, aggravation and explanation are both children’s main strategies of reformulation. With the growth of age, children decrease the use of aggravation and increase the use of bargain and mitigation. Furthermore, the results of reformulation sequences reveal that the two children are confronted with different causes of the failure to obtain compliance, which influences their adoption of reformulation strategies. The younger child faced the communicative breakdown and his mother’s ignorance while the older child encountered his mother’s queries and disagreements. Finally, the two children’s application of reformulation strategies revealed their different ability to take the other’s perspectives. The younger child’s reliance on aggravation and speaker-oriented negotiation reveals that he is embedded in his own viewpoints and is less able to view his request from the hearer’s viewpoints while the older child is more able to view the request from the hearer’ perspective and take her benefits into account. Our findings throw some light on children’s use of request reformulation strategy and the development of the perspective-taking ability.
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