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    Title: 台灣原住民族語言能力認證制度之評估
    Authors: 李台元
    Li, Tai-yen
    Contributors: 詹惠珍
    Chan, Hui-chen
    Li, Tai-yen
    Keywords: 原住民族語言能力認證
    Accreditation of the Aboriginal Languages Proficiency (AALP)
    evaluation of language policy
    language shift
    language revitalization
    language planning
    language policy
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:23:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 「原住民族語言能力認證」是我國為了推動原住民族的民族語言教育,在行政院原住民族委員會的策劃下,針對全國原住民各族族語能力所進行的一項資格檢定工作。本論文從語言規劃的角度評估族語能力認證制度的規劃與執行,一方面透過詞彙分析,評估認證考試題庫的詞彙設計;另一方面運用問卷調查方法,探究規劃單位、執行單位、認證委員、考生、以及非考生等五類受試者對於「族語能力認證制度」與首屆「族語能力認證考試」的各項態度。最後,對未來認證制度的實施,以及族語復振政策的方向,提供建議。
    This thesis aims to evaluate the planning and the first implementation of the Accreditation of the Aboriginal Languages Proficiency (AALP), which is directed by Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan, with the view of promoting the education of aboriginal languages in Taiwan.
    There are six chapters in this thesis. Chapter One describes the purpose of this study and presents some related problems. Chapter Two presents the backgrounds of AALP. In Chapter Three, the related theories and studies are reviewed and discussed. Chapter Four depicts the research designs, including the methodology to evaluate the vocabulary test in the first AALP, questionnaire design to elicit subjects` opinions about the policy of AALP and its first implementation, and methods for data analysis. Chapter Five reports the results in terms of vocabulary analysis, language proficiency, language use, and language attitudes toward AALP. The last Chapter offers conclusions and suggestions.
    One of the major findings lies in that AALP is widely recognized, and the results of its first implementation may serve as a guideline for its future implementation. It is also believed that AALP may help to revitalize aboriginal languages in Taiwan and thus reverse the language shift related. Therefore, it is suggested that AALP should be continued by following the current model.
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