題名: | 台灣地區聾人手語選用情形與現行手語政策之探討 Language Choice and Language Policy of the Deaf Community in Taiwan |
作者: | 陳怡君 Chen, Yi-jun |
貢獻者: | 詹惠珍 Chan, Hui-chen 陳怡君 Chen, Yi-jun |
關鍵詞: | 台灣自然手語 中文文法手語 語言態度 語言政策 Taiwan Sign Language Chinese Signed Language language attitude language policy |
日期: | 2003 |
上傳時間: | 2009-09-17 16:23:02 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 本論文探討的主題有四:(一)陳述中文文法手語與台灣自然手語各語言層級結構的異同,並探查兩套手語系統結構差異部分的語言溝通效率與語意清晰度;(二)瞭解受試者兩套手語系統的語言能力及其語言使用情形;(三)調取受試者對兩套手語系統的語言刻板印象與手語政策態度;(四)探討現階段手語政策的實施。 本論文包含量化與質化的研究方法,研究對象為年滿十八歲、居住在大台北地區、且以手語為主要使用語言之聽覺障礙者。量化研究包含手語結構評估問卷及手語使用情形與語言態度問卷。受試者須先完成結構評估測驗,才進行手語使用情形與語言態度問卷之填答。手語結構評估問卷針對兩套手語系統之迅速程度、模糊程度、與歧異程度加以測試。語言結構評估項目共有基本詞彙、詞組、時貌、副詞、簡單句型、複句句型、與篇章等七大類共一百九十四項,以影片方式呈現。受試者每觀看完一項評估項目,即立刻根據影片內容回答問卷上之題目。語言使用情形與語言態度問卷則探查受試者手語能力、手語使用、及語言態度。本論文以非機率抽樣的滾雪球抽樣方式進行量化問卷的發放,共回收75份有效樣本,進行無母數統計分析。質化研究以深入訪談方式進行,以立意抽樣方式共訪問六名受訪者,重點在探查量化問卷所發現的結果之原因。 研究結果顯示,在結構評估測驗中,除了詞組與簡單句型之遞繫句之外,自然手語的溝通效率與語意清晰度皆高於文法手語。受試者的兩套手語系統能力均等,且兩套手語使用頻率主要決定於談話對象的語言使用。語言刻板印象與手語政策態度的調查結果顯示,受試者對自然手語有較高的評價。 依據研究結果,本論文建議現階段手語政策應調整其語言規劃方針,將自然手語納入啟聰學校正式教學語言。對未來手語政策規劃之建議為:研訂相關法令、設立專職機構、擴充手語詞彙並編撰手語字典、明訂啟聰學校教師教學溝通政策與鑑定教師手語能力、培育專業手語翻譯人才、設置手語相關節目並提供無溝通障礙環境、獎勵手語研究與推廣工作、增設相關系所。
關鍵字:台灣自然手語、中文文法手語、語言態度、語言政策 This thesis aims to (1) compares the language structure of Chinese Signed Language (CSL) with Taiwan Sign Language (TSL), and investigates the efficiency, vagueness, and ambiguity of these two language systems; (2) to provide a preliminary evaluation of the implementation of Sign Language Policy in Taiwan through an investigation of the deaf’s proficiency in CSL and TSL, their use of them, and their attitudes toward both these two linguistic systems and the related policy. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses are adopted. Quantitative analysis includes two tests. On “structure evaluation test,” the efficiency, vagueness, and ambiguity of CSL and TSL are investigated. Evaluated items are taped into 194 segments of films, distributed on 7 linguistic levels, including lexical items, phrases, tense, adverbs, simple sentences, complex sentences, and discourse. Subjects are required to answer the questionnaire immediately after each test item is shown. “Sign language use and attitude questionnaire” is to elicit the deaf’s language proficiency, language use, and language attitudes. 75 questionnaires are collected through nonprobability sampling and nonparamentric statistical test with all the subjects being deaf adults who live in Taipei area and use sign language for communication. For qualitative analysis, 6 informants were interviewed through judgemental samplings to interpret the results of the questionnaires. The results of statistic tests indicate that TSL is more efficient, less vague and less ambiguous than CSL. Moreover, the subjects’ proficiency in the two sign language systems are equally good and their frequency of language use are decided by their interlocutors. As to their attitudes toward the two sign languages and the related language policy, all the subjects show support to TSL. Based on the findings from the quantitative and qualitative analysis, suggestions are given as follows. Legislate the law. Establish a government institution, institute lexicology, set the instructional language of the deaf school and evaluate the proficiency of deaf school teachers. Train the interpreters and provide communication unimpediment environment. Investigate sign language research, and plant institution.
Key words: Taiwan Sign Language, Chinese Signed Language, language attitude, language policy |
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