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Title: | 弱勢社群節目製播與回饋之研究-以服務在台外籍配偶廣播節目為例 |
Authors: | 李佳玲 |
Contributors: | 黃葳威 李佳玲 |
Keywords: | 弱勢社群 節目回饋 回饋 外籍配偶 |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-17 15:41:53 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文探討外籍配偶廣播節目的製播、回饋情況,以目前高雄廣播電臺的「南國姊妹情」及中央廣播電台的「越南語節目」為本文討論對象,將高海伯傳播訓練模式,運用入廣播節目製播流程,觀察節目製播的情形並提出未來製播參考與建議。 本文提出未來外籍配偶節目製播上相關重要建議: 1.節目播出前建議先做聽眾調查,以決定播出內容方式 2.節目經費可向中央行政單位申請外籍配偶照顧輔導經費補助 3.節目內容應涵蓋原生社會與接待社會的訊息 4.節目時段應符合外籍配偶生活作息、收聽習性 5.提供中、越不同語言節目,滿足不同聽眾群需求 6.製播群應具備接待社會和原生社會跨文化素養的養成 7.政府、民間團體以及媒體單位合作培訓外籍配偶製播人才 8.增加外籍配偶節目的宣傳機會與管道 9.聘請諳越語(印尼語、泰語)的專業人士作節目評鑑 10.外籍配偶廣播節目中聽眾回饋資料庫的建立 The main purpose of this study is to discuss the feedback and making of the foreign spouse’s program, taking 「the sisters of the Southeast Asia 」of Kaohsiung broadcasting station and Vietnamese programs of Radio Taiwan International as example. Using Goldhaber communication training modle into the making slow of broadcasting programs, to review the situation of programs and suggest producers broadcasting advices.
The advices of this study : 1. Suggest to make a poll among the audience before broadcasting and that is to decide its content of the program. 2. The funds can be applied for subsidy of care for the foreign spouse from the Central Administrative. 3. The content should consist of information about the original society and the immigrating society. 4. The schedule should accord with the foreign spouse’s daily life and listening habit. 5. Offer different-language programs including of Chinese and Vietnamese in order to satisfy the audience’s needs. 6. The stuff should be developed with cross-culture accomplishment of the original society and the immigrating society. 7. Government, non-government cooperation and media should cooperate with each other and train professional foreign spouses. 8. Increase chances and ways for propagation for the foreign spouse’s program. 9. Invite professional experts who understand Vietnamese (Indonesian, Thai) very well to review the programs 10. Establish database of the audience’ feedbacks for the foreign spouse’s program. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 廣播電視學研究所 92453006 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0924530061 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [廣播電視學系] 學位論文
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