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Title: | 老人居住安排選擇因素分析-代間關係之探討 |
Authors: | 曾瀝儀 |
Contributors: | 張金鶚 曾瀝儀 |
Keywords: | 老人 居住安排 代間關係 社會交換 |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 13:53:17 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 根據戶口普查資料顯示約六成的老人與子女同住,而這樣的比例日益下降,在華人社會中,老人與子女同住隱含著孝道的象徵,但隨著現代化社會的變遷,此現象逐漸轉變。過去老人居住安排的研究多著重於老人狀況之衡量與選擇,而未討論到子女的影響,因此本研究試圖從「兩代」的屬性探討老人居住安排選擇的影響因素。此外,「三代同鄰」的居住安排係兼顧兩代可以互相照顧且各自擁有自由和私密的居住空間,此課題在過去少有討論,本文亦將該居住方式獨立討論,以期能充分了解兩代的互動關係對於老人居住選擇之影響。
本文以多項羅吉特模型實證分析華人家庭動態資料庫(PSFD)2004年的資料,選取主樣本為已婚子女之樣本。研究結果顯示:在老人的屬性中,喪偶、教育程度低以及無工作者會偏好與子女同住,尤其老年女性喪偶的影響效果最大,使其獨居的機率降低50%;在主樣本的屬性中,當住宅為父母所有、有學齡前小孩、主樣本教育程度高會使兩代同住機率增加。因此對於老人而言,同住是身心狀況下降的較佳選擇;然而對於子女而言,同住是基於「交換」勞務所產生的居住安排。最後,本文並發現「同鄰」者多為身心狀況良好的老人且多與已婚兒子相鄰而居的狀況,顯示父系傳統對於華人家庭的深刻影響。 According to the census report of population and housing of Year 2000 in Taiwan, about sixty percent of the elderly live with their children, but this situation is decreasing. In Chinese society, the elderly living with their children symbolize the culture of filial piety. With the change of modern society, the phenomenon is changing. Previous researches about the elderly living arrangement pay much attention to the characteristics of the elderly, rather than the influences of children. Therefore, this study attempts to explore the influence factors of the living arrangement between the elderly and their children. Moreover, the “neighboring living arrangement” of the elderly and their children makes the two generations not only could take care of each other, but also possess free and private residential spaces by themselves. This issue wasn’t discussed in the past, so this study also discusses this living arrangement of the two generations in order to realize the influence of intergenerational interaction on the choices of the elderly living arrangement.
This study uses multi-nominal logistic regression model to analysis the data of Panel Study of Family Dynamics(PSFD)in 2004. The empirical results shows, the widowed , with low education attainment and unemployed elderly prefer to live with their children. The widowed characteristic especially plays stronger marginal effect, which decreases the probability of living alone fifty percents for the elderly. Housing owned by parents, with under school- age grandchildren and highly educated children would increase the probability of co-residence of two generations. For the elderly, when he (she) is unhealthy or being single, co-residence with children is the better choice. However, for the children, co-residence is based on the “exchange” for elderly labor forces to take care of under school- age children. Finally, this study finds that the healthy elderly prefer to choose neighboring living arrangement with their children, and especially neighbor to their married son. It is implied that the influence of patriarchy culture on Chinese family. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政研究所 93257002 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093257002 |
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