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    政大典藏 > College of Commerce > Department of MIS > Theses >  Item 140.119/31112
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    Title: 以TRIZ方法探討數位有線電視的定價策略
    On the pricing strategy of digital cable TV by the method of TRIZ
    Authors: 文德蘭
    Wen, Te Lan
    Contributors: 周宣光
    Wen, Te Lan
    Keywords: 互動數位有線電視
    interactive digital TV
    Theoria Resheneyva Isobretatelskehuh Zadach(TRIZ)
    pricing strategy
    industry value chain
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-14 09:16:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來世界各國的電視產業均開始從類比邁向數位時代,然而有線電視數位化亦已成為其未來的發展趨勢,對於有線電視業者目前除積極提供原有的影音視訊服務外,也開始紛紛推出互動電視等進階服務。因此有線電視在數位化之後首先面臨的問題就是頻道數大幅增加,而要如何經營、如何提供多樣化的服務、及如何定價這些都將會是急待解決的問題。故本研究希望從經濟學的角度、互動數位有線電視整體產業的影響並考量消費者的利益,採用一個創新的方法「創意問題解決理論」(Theoria Resheneyva Isobretatelskehuh Zadach,TRIZ)來討論互動數位有線電視的定價策略。本研究主要研究目的希望以TRIZ的創新方法求出理想解,並建議未來互動電視之定價策略,提供政府政策做為未來訂定數位電視價格之參考。
    In recent years, global television industry is moving from analog to digital era, and digitalization becomes a trend. The cable operators start to offer advanced services such as interactive televisions in addition to their existing video and audio services. Major issues facing the cable operators include how to operate their businesses, how to provide a variety of services, and how to justify their prices with the substantially increasing channels after digitalization. This study is to discuss the pricing strategy of the digital cable TV using an innovative method of “creative problem-solving theory”(Theoria Resheneyva Isobretatelskehuh Zadach,TRIZ) from the perspectives of economic development, industry, and consumers. We also recommend the pricing strategies for the digital cable TV industry and the government’s price policy based on the TRIZ results.
    This study suggests that the pricing policy for the digital cable TV industry is to offer different services with reasonable price discrimination. For example, free channels can be categorized into basic cable channels and optional cable channels with cable TV advertising. The pricing strategies for the pay channels are the fixing pricing strategy, product bundle pricing strategy, and differential pricing strategy. This study also suggests the authorities to make rate cap expiration, to re-regulate the advertising nature of programs and program-like television advertisings, and to cancel the limitation of the service area of the cable system.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0903565061
    Data Type: thesis
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