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    Title: 由個案分析探討Web 2.0 網站平台對傳統行銷思維的影響
    Analyzing the effects of Web 2.0 interfaces on traditional marketing strategies and practices based on case studies
    Authors: 朱翊菲
    Contributors: 洪順慶
    Keywords: 行銷概念
    品牌體 驗
    Web 2.0
    marketing concepts
    market orientation
    market research
    market segmentation
    brand experience
    consumer decision making
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-14
    Abstract: 因應Web 2.0 的關鍵技術及應用發展,傳統行之多年的行銷思維及作法開始面臨極大挑戰。過去沒有人可以想像消費者能在網站上公開評價商品,或直接發表對特定品牌的體驗;也無法想像主題式社群網站能集結社群、部落格的心得文可以影響消費者行為;品牌的行銷活動比過去更多元且富創意,為的就是吸引消費者的眼球注意力;企業甚至願意花時間經營網站社群,為這群利基消費者發展新品牌及產品線。這些現象的背後,反映出我們所處的行銷環境已大不如前,而消費者、企業與品牌之間的關係改變,無疑地,Web 2.0是促成改變的關鍵原因之一。企業面臨網路科技所帶來的思維轉型,該如何有效因應,並調整其行銷思維及作法,是本研究欲探討的重點。
    由於現有文獻或研究多半以Web 2.0 對企業單一構面的影響,或是針對特定產業的深入研究,缺乏全面性且多元的比較研究。因此本研究採用探索性研究法的個案研究法,以文獻探討內容為本,並透過深度訪談法獲取第一手資訊,以發展出行銷 2.0 與傳統行銷的比較命題。
    1、Web 2.0 平台有助企業體現市場導向思維。
    2、Web 2.0 時代的消費者握有行銷研究的主導權,並由他們決定如何建立關係。
    3、Web 2.0 時代下,網路使用者因應共同的興趣及目標聚集形成社群,而企業也開始將主題式社群作為市場區隔的依據。
    4、Web 2.0 網站平台較能幫助企業有效評估區隔。
    5、Web 2.0 網站平台有助廠商蒐集並了解消費者意見,共同打造符合需求的市場定位。
    6、Web 2.0 增加企業與消費者的接觸點,也增加 7P 行銷組合的內涵及作法。
    7、行銷2.0 不再是企業單方面由上而下決定品牌內涵,而是由企業與消費者共同打造品牌體驗與價值。
    8、Web 2.0 平台強化消費者角色本質的轉變,由孤立變為聯合、由無知變為資訊靈通、由被動變為主動。
    9、Web 2.0 平台將傳統單向線性的消費者決策模式,轉變為完整迴圈式的流程。

    研究發現,Web 2.0 平台賦予消費者十足的空間及舞台,在商業體系中扮演更積極主動的角色,他們不再一味接受企業透過大眾傳媒所傳遞的訊息,反而開始握有行銷研究的主導權,主動調查有興趣的產業及品牌。而消費流程也不再是單次決策,其購後評價及心得也透過Web 2.0 平台反饋,繼續影響其他消費者的購物行為。Web 2.0 在企業與消費者之間扮演的中介角色,不僅讓雙方在對等的平台上良性互動外,也化解過去因為資訊不對稱所造成的誤解及無效率。而消費者行為的種種轉變,對於企業未來在決定市場區隔、目標市場以及行銷組合7P 等均有決定性的影響。
    In recent years traditional marketing concepts have been evolving and encountering great challenges due to the online applications commonly described as Web 2.0 or social
    community websites. No one had foreseen that consumers would evaluate products or services directly after purchase on the thematic social media and publish their brand experience openly through Internet. No one had expected that the thematic social media or Blogs could appeal and gather so many members and opinions towards specific topics,
    which might influence consumers’ decision. Nowadays, marketers are rushing to integrate various forms of social media into marketing planning and are highly motivated
    to initiate more attractive and creative events to appeal the consumer`s eyes. Some enterprises are even willing to develop new product line or sub-brand to fulfill the
    customer’s needs. Therefore, due to the emergence of Web 2.0, the current marketing environment is quite different than what we are accustomed to. The relations and power
    structure between customers and brands have been changing. This research focused on how the enterprises reacted to the Web 2.0 technology and changed their mindset, especially marketing concepts and practices.
    Since there exists no generally accepted definition and demarcation of the term Web 2.0, the majority of studies have been focusing only on changes in certain industries or
    specific effects that Web 2.0 has brought to marketing. Therefore, we adopted a more general perspective based on previous results and conducted case studies to gather
    first-hand information and real practice from the industry. Further, we developed and concluded 9 points and made a comparison table (traditional marketing concept versus
    marketing concepts in Web 2.0 era) to clarify the differences of marketing concepts between traditional and Web 2.0-driven marketing.

    The key results of the research are:
    1. Web2.0 helps enterprises to better form their marketing strategy and because all the departments within the organization can gather valuable information from each
    interaction point with the customers. Therefore, the consensus and responsiveness is achieved more easily, which means the Market Orientation concept could be realized.
    2. Consumers in Web 2.0 era are capable of initiating market research and it is the consumer, rather than the enterprise, that decides how and with which company relations are built up.
    3. Web users form communities due to common interests and objectives in Web 2.0 era, and the industries have begun to segment the market based on the different communities.
    4. Web 2.0 applications help the enterprises efficiently evaluate if the market segmentation is effective and worthy of investment.
    5. Web 2.0 mechanism support the enterprises to gather information and know more about the consumer insights, and also enables the two parties (enterprise and consumers) to collaborate and create the right market positions.
    6. Web 2.0 not only increases the interacting points for enterprises and consumers, but also enriches the insights and possibilities of marketing-mix 7Ps (Product/Price/Place/Promotion/People/Physical environment/Process).
    7. In Marketing 2.0 era the enterprise could not decide the essence of brands top down, but have to co-create the value and experiences of brands with the customers.
    8. Web 2.0 platform enhance the change of the consumer inner character and behavior, from isolation to union, from ignorant to well-informed, from passive to proactive.
    9. Web 2.0 platform transformed the traditional consumer decision-making from one way process to completed circles, where individual experience as valuable feedback influences the decisions of other consumers via Web 2.0 applications.

    As a consequence, the Web 2.0 is affecting not only the field of technology development but also the domains of business strategy and marketing practice. The Web 2.0 platform empowers the consumer and enables them to play more proactive and aggressive roles in the business system. The consumers do not just accept the message from mass media any more, but initiate marketing research themselves, investigating the brands and industries which they are interested with. The purchase decision making is
    not single and one way process as the personal comments that are disseminated and discussed on the Web 2.0 platforms keep on influencing other consumers’ behavior. The intermediate role that Web 2.0 plays between enterprises and consumers enables new and equal interactions, diminishing the misunderstanding and inefficiency resulted from the past asymmetric information that was mostly dictated by the enterprises. What comes
    along with the changing consumer behavior is a revolution in market segmentation, target, position and marketing-mix (7Ps).
    As Web 2.0 is not a clear-cut concept, some researchers have been regarding it as a mere temporary phenomenon that has emerged with new technology. However, its effects on marketing and wide public acceptance suggest that Web 2.0 is here to stay.
    Indeed, Web 2.0 has a substantial effect on consumer behavior and has contributed to an unprecedented customer empowerment. Therefore in the future, marketers have to
    pay more attention and put more effort to co-exist and communicate with a powerful customer instead of old-fashioned pushing marketing. Especially the enterprise should capitalize on the experience gained from the Web 2.0 platforms, utilizing the influences and convictions that web opinion leader possess to advocate for the brand. They should not disregard the many interaction points that could build up the brand experience with the consumers. Only those who could capitalize on Web 2.0 applications to gain more insight on consumer behavior, could win the ultimate victory and survive in the extremely competitive marketing war.
    第一節 研究動機........................................................................ 11
    第二節 研究目的............................................................................................................................................. 13
    第二章 文獻探討..........................................................14
    第一節 行銷定義與行銷管理......................................................................................................................... 14
    第二節 WEB 2.0 與行銷2.0............................................................................................................................ 17
    一、 Web 2.0 的定義特性......................................................................................................................... 17
    二、 Web 2.0 的關鍵技術......................................................................................................................... 20
    三、 行銷2.0.............................................................................................................................................. 21
    第三節 消費者的轉變.................................................................................................................................... 26
    第三章 研究方法..........................................................31
    第一節 研究流程............................................................................................................................................ 32
    第二節 資料蒐集方式.................................................................................................................................... 34
    第四章 個案簡介與特質分析................................................35
    第一節 愛評網IPEEN ..................................................................................................................................... 35
    第二節 URCOSME 化妝品使用心得分享網站............................................................................................... 41
    第三節 好康挖挖哇DIGWOW......................................................................................................................... 46
    第四節 毛寶企業部落格”SIMPLE LIFE@MAOBAO”...................................................................................... 51
    第五節 《KHS BIKE SCHOOL》&校長部落格.............................................................................................. 60
    第五章 研究發現與命題成立................................................65
    第一節 命題成立與個案佐證.......................................................................................................................... 65
    第二節 命題比較表格.................................................................................................................................... 86
    第六章 研究結論與建議....................................................95
    第一節 研究結論............................................................................................................................................. 95
    第二節 針對個案操作的實務建議............................................................................................................... 102
    第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議................................................................................................................ 108
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