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Title: | 影音DVD光碟片產業產品創新策略個案研究 A Case Study for Product Innovation in Video DVD Disc Industry |
Authors: | 賴志輝 |
Contributors: | 尹啟銘 賴志輝 |
Keywords: | 影音DVD碟片 產品創新策略 創新螺旋 Video DVD Disc Product Innovation Strategy Spiral of Innovation |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:44:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要探討的是國際標準化商品的製造業者如何從事產品創新,特別是針對一個企業銷售的產品就是標準化的完成品,最典型的例子,就是台灣佔有亞太最大產能的影音DVD光碟片製造業。差異化是企業提升競爭力的主要手段,也是經常被企業採用的競爭策略。一個企業可以尋求差異化的空間顯然和自己產品或服務被標準化的程度有關。產品「被標準化」的程度越高,除了創意越容易受限,組織出現「核心僵固」的情形可能也越嚴重。
一般而言,國際標準規格的制訂是由大國大廠所主導,技術開發首動者的效益來自參與規格制訂及日後商品上市後收取的龐大權利金。一般小廠小國,市場影響力小、技術開發資源有限,不易參與規格角力的競賽,更遑論發揮舉足輕重的影響力,這是一個殘酷的國際現實。因此小廠小國的標準化商品的製造業者,如何從事產品創新就是本研究所要探討的課題。本研究探討的個案公司以「創新螺旋」策略規劃程序的理論模型做為其產品創新的藍本,檢視在此情境下的台灣影音DVD碟片的製造業者,在產品創新過程遭遇到的困境及其突圍的方式。本研究同時觀摩比較其他國際級的競爭同業,如何發揮其地理環境上的優勢及本身的核心能耐,在次世代藍光DVD來臨之繼,創造更有利的競爭條件。 This thesis aims to study how to do the product innovation under the condition as the core product or service of one corporate is an international standardized end product. The typical example is such as the video DVD disc manufacturers in Taiwan, who own the major market share in the world wide total throughput. From the strategic point of view, “differentiation” has been widely used to build up a corporate core competency. However, the limitation for one corporate to do the product differentiation is corresponding to its product status being standardized. The higher standardized condition on product it is, the more limitation on creation it will be. It also will cause the organization to be inflexible, furthermore becomes stubborn.
Generally speaking, international standard has been formulated by the strong or big countries and international corporate. The first mover advantage to develop the product should be as a format creator and as a licenser in the long run as into the commercialized phase. On the other hand, usually, for the small companies or countries, it has less technology resource and marketing power to influence the standard formation. Under such kind of situation, is there any chance for the small companies to do the product innovation? This is the main topic for the thesis to investigate.
This research extends the organization knowledge creativity theory by Nonaka (1995) as the “Spiral of Knowledge” to a new model as “Spiral of Innovation”, which presents the sequence of strategy formation in term of product innovation. Marketing-oriented product developing pattern is the main pursuit of the “Spiral of Innovation”. The first step, through the ”socialization” inside the corporate, the common understanding of the corporate standing position can be created. As for product developing, targeting to find out the customers need or the lack in the marketing, those finding should be put into the step as “externalization”. After that, through “combination” of marketing need and corporate competency, the systematic concept can be developed. The final step, all the above can be converted into the organization function inside corporate, which is called as “internalization”. “Spiral of Innovation” theory states, for a corporate, it takes the “marketing value, creating value and corporate core value” as the core product developing concept. The innovation can be simply interpreted as “the success to combine two dissimilar or irrelevant matters”. Innovation usually generates from that being lack of concern or attention.
This research studies the case, Taiwan No.1 video DVD disc manufacturer, which implements the “Spiral of Innovation” model as the framework of its product developing strategy formation. It shows the dilemma the corporate faces in the effort for product differentiation and those attempts it took for breakthrough. It also compares the product developing strategy with some other key and leading players from USA, Europe and Japan. From innovation point of view, those companies intend to exploit their advantage from location and core competency to find out the optimal position for the coming next generation high density DVD era. 第一章、 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機-------------------------------------1
1.2 研究目的與問題-------------------------------------4
1.3 研究方法------------------------------------------4
1.4 章節架構------------------------------------------6
2.1 創新理論------------------------------------------7
2.2 創新策略-----------------------------------------12
2.3 創新的不確定性與創新策略的關係----------------------16
2.4 核心能耐與創新策略的關係---------------------------18
2.5 策略九說的理論架構與「標準化」、「差異化」策略的選擇---22
2.6 策略行銷4C理論架構--------------------------------25
2.7 知識螺旋(Spiral of Knowledge)理論-----------------28
3.1 傳統策略規劃程序----------------------------------31
3.2 行銷導向的創新策略--------------------------------33
3.3 「創新螺旋」策略規劃程序理論模型--------------------44
4.1 影音DVD碟片產業體系-------------------------------57
4.2 影音DVD碟片產業結構-------------------------------65
4.3 影音DVD碟片價值鏈分析-----------------------------82
4.4 次世代藍光DVD規格之爭-----------------------------83
4.5 網路數位影音對DVD碟片產業的衝擊--------------------87
4.6 解析歐美一線廠Technicolor和Cinram的發展策略--------92
4.7 解析美日二線廠DDS M計劃和Memory Tech的發展策略-----96
5.1 個案公司簡介-------------------------------------99
5.2 以策略三構面來描繪個案公司發展近況-----------------101
5.3 SWOT/五力分析檢視個案公司競爭力-------------------106
5.4 尋找顧客未被滿足的需要或市場價值的缺口-------------117
5.5 個案公司創新思維手段—以核心技術為基礎的多角化策略---118
5.6 傳遞新價值至市場檢驗-試探水溫---------------------133
附錄.1 標準化產品形成的考慮因素-------------------------140
附錄.2 智財戰略的極致就是標準化戰略---------------------144
附錄.3 DVD國際標準規格的形成---------------------------146
附錄.4 「紅」、「藍」大戰 華人自創紅光高畫質規格----------151
附錄.5 以策略行銷4C理論推估不同規格高畫質DVD發展機會------154 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理研究所 92932905 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0092932905 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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