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Title: | 台商電子業在大陸之群聚現象及其對績效之影響 |
Authors: | 賴玟伶 |
Contributors: | 吳安妮 賴玟伶 |
Keywords: | 台商 電子業 大陸 群聚 績效 Taiwan enterprises Electronic industry Cluster Performance |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:28:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,中國之崛起、國外直接投資金額大量流入中國,乃為人所關切並激發學者研究興趣之議題,而產業群聚乃至其對企業帶來之效益亦為過去諸多文獻研究之領域,然而,其所探討之群聚效益並非群聚對財務績效之影響,即便探討台灣企業之群聚效益,亦非針對赴大陸投資之台商電子業。
關鍵字:台商、電子業、大陸、群聚、績效。 Not only are Taiwan enterprises one of the main investors in China but their trends in investments are toward agglomerating in the electronic industry and some specific locations that triggers my interesting to explore the cluster phenomenon and the impacts of these clusters on Taiwan enterprises’ performances.
Because the previous studies were rare involved in the impact of cluster on Taiwan enterprises’ financial performances, this paper aims to employ empirical method to analyze whether industry clusters influence on the performances of Taiwan enterprises of electronic industry which invested in China, and further find out whether this affection will be changed by different cluster boundaries and industries.
The samples of this paper are 219 Taiwan firms of electronic industry which invested in China from 2004 to 2006. The proxies of industry clusters are location quotients and the numbers of firms in specific districts respectively, and the proxy of financial performances is net revenues of each firm.
According to this empirical results, for the firms of whole electronic industry and computers, electronic products and optical products manufacturing industry, no matter what geographic borders they clustered, the clusters have significant positive influences on their performances, nevertheless for the firms of electronic parts and components manufacturing industry, there are significant positive influences on their performances only when they clustered around specific regions.
In conclusion, clusters have positive influence on firms’ performances, but these affections will be changed due to different geographic boundaries and industries.
Keywords: Taiwan enterprises, Electronic industry, Cluster, Performance. |
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