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Title: | 台灣資訊服務業企業國際化策略 - 以T公司為例 Internationalization Strategies of Taiwanese Information Service Companies: A Case Study of T Company |
Authors: | 張雅琪 Chang, Ya-Chi |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 Chiu, Yi-Chia 張雅琪 Chang, Ya-Chi |
Keywords: | 策略聯盟 天生國際化 資訊服務業 國際化策略 Strategic alliances Born global firms Information service industry Internationalization strategy |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 14:00:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,全球數位經濟快速發展,各產業對高科技資訊服務的需求不斷攀升,尤其集中在人工智慧、數據分析與雲端服務等領域。台灣雖身為全球資訊科技的重要供應地,並擁有堅實的技術實力,卻因企業規模偏小、國際能見度不足,限制了資訊服務業的國際化進程。如何突破此一困境,成為台灣資訊服務企業當前亟待解決的課題。本研究因而聚焦天生國際化企業(Born Global Firms),探討台灣資訊服務企業如何透過策略聯盟加速國際化,並分析其在市場進入策略中的作用。
本研究以 T 公司 為個案,試圖回答以下三大問題: 1. T 公司在國際化過程中的主要動機為何? 2. T 公司為何選擇策略聯盟作為市場進入的主要模式?其原因與優勢為何? 3. 策略聯盟如何影響 T 公司在國際市場的競爭力及成長?
為回答上述問題,本研究採用文獻回顧與個案研究法,透過深度訪談與資料分析,重構 T 公司之國際化歷程,並聚焦於策略聯盟在其海外拓展過程所扮演的動機、影響與效益。
研究結果歸納如下: 1. 國際化動機:T 公司面臨全球市場成長機會與本國市場壓力的雙重驅動,加上創始人豐富的國際人脈與市場知識,使其在成立初期即鎖定海外市場,成為天生國際化企業。 2. 策略聯盟作為快速進入海外市場的關鍵:與日本企業結盟有效降低了 T 公司進入新市場的壁壘,同時提升品牌影響力與資源共享效益,顯示策略聯盟對天生國際化企業之市場拓展有顯著助益。 3. 競爭力與成長的顯著提升:策略聯盟對 T 公司之技術合作、擴展市場份額及降低國際風險皆有正面影響;同時也為 T 公司在本土市場帶來正向迴響,顯示聯盟可助力其他類似企業進行國際化。
本研究對天生國際化企業的國際化策略進行了深入剖析,並為台灣資訊服務產業未來在全球市場的發展提供關鍵啟示。 In recent years, the rapid development of the global digital economy has driven increasing demand for high-tech information services, particularly in areas such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, and cloud computing. Although Taiwan plays a vital role in the global information technology supply chain and possesses strong technological capabilities, its information service industry is generally constrained by small-scale enterprises and limited international visibility, hindering the industry’s progression toward internationalization. Overcoming this challenge has thus become a pressing issue for Taiwanese information service companies. This study focuses on Born Global Firms and investigates how Taiwanese information service companies leverage strategic alliances to accelerate international expansion. It also examines how such alliances shape market-entry strategies.
Taking T Company as a case study, this research aims to address three key questions: 1. What are the primary motivations behind T Company’s internationalization process? 2. Why did T Company choose strategic alliances as its main market-entry approach, and what are the underlying reasons and advantages? 3. How do strategic alliances influence T Company’s competitiveness and growth in international markets?
To answer these questions, this study adopts both literature review and case study methodologies. Through in-depth interviews and data analysis, it reconstructs T Company’s internationalization path and explores the role and benefits of strategic alliances in the firm’s overseas expansion. The core analysis centers on T Company’s motivation for, and the impact and benefits of, using strategic alliances to go global.
Key findings include: 1. Motivation T Company’s decision to internationalize is primarily driven by global market opportunities and competitive pressures in the domestic market. Additionally, the founder’s international network and expertise in global markets led the firm to adopt an international expansion strategy early on, thereby aligning with the characteristics of a born global enterprise.
2. Strategic Alliances as a Key Internationalization Tool By collaborating with Japanese enterprises, T Company effectively reduced market-entry barriers and enhanced its brand reputation and resource-sharing efficiency. These alliances proved crucial for entering foreign markets rapidly.
3. Significant Impact on Competitiveness and Growth Strategic alliances substantially influenced T Company’s competitiveness and overall growth, especially by expediting technology cooperation, expanding market share, and mitigating risks in international markets. Furthermore, alliances bolstered T Company’s competitiveness in the domestic market, offering insights for other firms seeking international expansion.
This study offers an in-depth analysis of internationalization strategies for born global firms and provides valuable implications for the future development of Taiwan’s information service industry in the global market. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 111363053 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111363053 |
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