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    Title: 國家認同與民主鞏固:台灣案例研究
    National Identity and Democratic Consolidation: A Case Study of Taiwan
    Authors: 嚴伯樂
    Broese, Jan
    Contributors: 游清鑫
    Yu, Ching-Hsin
    Broese, Jan
    Keywords: 臺灣
    National identity
    Civic identity
    Ethnic identity
    Democratic support
    Democratic satisfaction
    Democratic Consolidation
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-02-04 15:50:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 臺灣民主轉型的故事持續受到眾多學者與決策者的矚目。的確,在經濟現代化與政治民主化雙重成就之下,臺灣已經成為全球發展研究的一個模範。但是,在這樣的故事背後,有關臺灣民眾的國家認同問題,以及這問題如何影響臺灣的民主鞏固仍舊是一項待釐清的謎題,尤其是有關民眾的國家認同問題如何影響臺灣邁向民主鞏固的問題, 仍有眾多的辯論。因此,本論文旨在檢驗臺灣民眾國家認同的複雜性、動態性及其影響,透過對 2016 年和 2020 年的臺灣選舉與民主化調查研究的資料進行量化分析,從微觀層面研究民眾的國家認同及其對臺灣民主鞏固進程的影響。本研究將民眾的國家認同操作化為族群認同和公民認同,而民主鞏固則被操作化為民主支持和滿意度,分析後發現,雖然族群認同的差異仍舊普遍存在,但對於民主體制作為一種政治支持的公民認同則是支撐台灣邁向民主鞏固的重要依據。透過對既有民主體制的高度支持,有利減輕因為對實際民主表現失望所帶來的風險。在此同時,本論文的研究結果也有助於理解臺灣民眾的國家認同是否集中於公民概念,以及 對於“分裂” 的國家認同是否會阻礙民主鞏固的辯論中,提供一些有用的參考。
    The story of Taiwan’s democratic transition has attracted a vast of scholars and policy-makers in recent decades. Indeed, given its successful economic modernization and political democratization, the dual-achievement has enabled Taiwan as a model of development globally. Nonetheless, in the story of Taiwan’s development, the evolution of national identity and its effect on democratic consolidation remain a puzzle. There are continuous debates about the impacts of contending national identities on its route to democratic consolidation. It is thus the objective of the study to capture the complexity, dynamic and implication of national identity in Taiwan. This essay examines national identity on a micro-level aspect and its impact on the process of democratic consolidation in Taiwan through the quantitative data collected by the TEDS in 2016 and 2020. National identity is operationalized as ethnic identity and civic identity, while democratic consolidation is operationalized as democratic support and satisfaction. This essay concludes that, though ethnic identity remains strong, the existence of a considerably strong civic identity among the Taiwanese has ensured the prospect of democratic consolidation in Taiwan. It is people’s high support for the belief of democracy that has effectively reduced the risks generated by unsatisfactory performance of democracy. Meanwhile, the findings have contributed to the knowledge about whether Taiwan’s national identity has concentrated around the civic concepts, and whether a “divided” identity has impeded democratic consolidation.
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