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    題名: 臺韓大學生心理健康促進措施必要性之探討
    A Study on the Necessity of Mental Health Services and Policies for University Students in Taiwan and South Korea
    作者: 林芷妤
    Lin, Chih-Yu
    貢獻者: 郭秋雯
    Lin, Chih-Yu
    關鍵詞: 心理健康
    Mental health
    Student counseling
    University students
    Comparison between Taiwan and South Korea
    日期: 2024
    上傳時間: 2024-10-04 11:05:19 (UTC+8)
    摘要:   年輕族群的心理健康議題在臺灣與韓國逐漸成為社會焦點,而大學生作為此年齡層中的特殊群體,其發展特徵與心理健康問題需要特別關注。本研究以強調大學生心理健康促進措施的必要性為出發點,探討臺灣與韓國大學生的心理健康議題,透過文獻與訪談等資料來整理比較臺灣與韓國的現行措施及問題,並提出改善建議。希望本研究能對於兩國在改善大學生心理健康促進措施時有所助益,更期待藉此增加各方對大學生心理健康議題的重視。
    The purpose of this study is to enhance mental health services and policies for university students in Taiwan and South Korea and to raise awareness of mental health issues. Mental health issues among young people are increasingly recognized as a social issue in Taiwan and South Korea. As a unique group within this demographic, university students require special attention due to their developmental characteristics and mental health challenges. This study emphasizes the necessity of mental health services and policies for university students, exploring mental health issues in Taiwan and South Korea. Through literature reviews and interviews, the study compared current services and policies and identified issues in both countries. Furthermore, this study provides recommendations for improvement.
    Through documentary analysis, this study explored previous studies related to university students' mental health issues and services. Based on a total of 238 responses, this study analyzed university students’ experiences of related services and policies. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted with nine Taiwanese university students, one Korean university student, and five Taiwanese student counseling professionals to explore the actual situation and challenges of current services and policies from the perspectives of both users and providers.
    University students are in a highly unstable phase of emerging adulthood, making them prone to anxiety and depression. In Taiwan and South Korea, the emphasis on academic achievement, economic instability, and collectivist culture subjects university students to significant stress related to career planning, academic performance, financial situations, and interpersonal relationships. Prolonged stress is contributing to the growing prevalence of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia, which may eventually develop into more severe mental illnesses.
    Both the governments of Taiwan and South Korea have enacted laws regarding mental health, including mental health policy planning and surveys. The governments of both countries also provide subsidies for counseling services for young people. In universities, the mentor system is considered to be the primary source of support for students. In South Korea, the mentor system’s focus is primarily on career development, while Taiwan emphasizes more comprehensive care and support, with some universities hiring dedicated staff for more comprehensive life counseling. The student counseling centers in both countries were established around the same time but face different challenges. In Taiwan, there are clear regulations for professional counseling personnel, while South Korea lacks such legal provisions, although it is more advanced in utilizing communication technology. Taiwanese counseling centers often have a limit on the number of counseling sessions. In contrast, South Korea is more flexible. Additionally, some student counseling centers link to external medical services.
    The allocation of funding is one of the challenges in these services, particularly in South Korea, where the shortage of funds and human resources is more severe. The lack of professional staff and high turnover rates hinder the stable development of student counseling services, and students who cannot find a suitable and trustworthy counselor may experience increased psychological burdens. Furthermore, a lack of diversity in service provision and insufficient information dissemination reduces the utilization of mental health services and policies. The inadequate supply and weak integration of resources reduce the effectiveness of the services and increase barriers to seeking help. Thus, addressing issues such as funding, human resources, and resource integration is a critical task for improving mental health services and policies for university students in both Taiwan and South Korea.
    Based on the research results, this study offers four recommendations: (1) Ensure stable funding and human resources and formalize the organizational structure of student counseling to promote the long-term sustainability of mental health services and policies. (2) Establish a comprehensive resource linkage network, fostering close cooperation between university units and external organizations to ensure efficient resource allocation and reduce the gap between service providers and users. (3) Emphasize tiered counseling, providing appropriate interventions based on different levels of need, reducing the burden on a single level, and strengthening primary prevention. (4) Continuously advocate for mental health education and raising students' awareness. Reducing the stigma associated with mental illness is also important. The goal of this study is to contribute to the development of strategies that help university students achieve and maintain a positive state of mental health.
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    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110557008
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