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    政大機構典藏 > 文學院 > 歷史學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/153544
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    Title: 北朝士族社會基礎之探討—以滎陽鄭氏為中心
    On The Social Basis of the Aristocracy of the Northern Dynasties: A Case Study of the Xing-yang Zheng Family
    Authors: 賀冠溱
    Ho, Kuan-Chen
    Contributors: 王德權
    Wang, Te-Chuan
    Ho, Kuan-Chen
    Keywords: 魏書
    Wei Shu
    Xing-yang Zheng family
    Cloud Peak Mountain
    Noble Family
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 16:01:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中古名族滎陽鄭氏,北魏時的事蹟主要在《魏書.鄭羲列傳》,然而鄭羲子孫似為其隱惡揚善,先後在任官所在地光州天柱山、雲峰山另刊碑誌,連鄭羲的諡號也從「文靈」改成「文貞」。為親者諱的墓誌常有,但刊於名山且不在本鄉則較為特殊,筆者將探討這一行為及其背景脈絡,連同鄭氏一族在《魏書》中的貪腐、政風優劣、鄉里評價等「名望」問題。名望在魏晉南北朝社會有著特殊用法,如鄭羲以河南民望協助朝廷平亂、宣武帝朝孫紹批判中正「賣望」的現象等。本文將透過梳理鄭氏名望的社會基礎變化,勾勒史書與碑銘中鄭氏一族所處之社會背景。
    As the powerful family during the Medieval China, the Xing-yang Zheng (滎陽鄭氏) family’s deeds are primarily documented in the Biographies of Zheng Xi (鄭羲列傳) within Wei Shu (魏書). However, descendants of Zheng Xi seemed to gloss over his misdeeds. They successively carved stone tablets at Heavenly Column Mountain (Tianzhushan天柱山) and Cloud Peak Mountain (Yunfengshan雲峰山) in Guangzhou (光州), altering Zheng Xi's posthumous title (Shihao諡號) from “Wenling (文靈)” to “Wenzhen (文貞)” . While epitaphs often gloss over the misdeeds of relatives, they become special when carved on stone situated on a notable mountain, far from the family’s ancestral burial site. This article aims to delve into this phenomenon, along with its historical context, including the political integrity and reputation of the Zheng family members as recorded in the Wei shu. The author concludes it as an issue of “Ming Wang (名望)”.“Ming Wang” had a special connotation in the social context of the Medieval China. For instance, Zheng Xi, leveraging his local “Wang” (民望) in Henan (河南) as a local tycoon, aided the court in suppressing rebellions. Another example is during the era of Emperor Xuanwu (宣武帝), Sun Shao (孫紹) criticized the phenomenon of “selling Wang” among Inspectors (Zhongzheng Guan中正官).This thesis will outline the social base of Zheng family in historical books and tablet names by combing through the social foundation changes of Zheng family’s“Ming Wang”.
    The Xing-yang Zheng family was established since the Western Jin Dynasty (西晉), its ancestors were famous in northeastern China (Shandong山東) at the end of the Han Dynasty, and they could relieve and entertain aristocracies even during the war. After the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty, the Zheng family moved to Hebei (河北) or the Huai River (淮河) Valley. When the rise of the Northern Wei Dynasty and its expansion into Huai River during the era of the Emperor Xianwen (獻文帝), the Zheng family restored and established its local“Wang”in Henan. During the reign of Emperor Xiaowen (孝文帝), the Zheng family rose to prominence and many of its members held official positions. However, reforms such as the official salary system and the “three Zhang” system (三長制) weakened the Zheng family's dominance in regional society, making the Zheng members, who clung to entrenched old practices appear “tyrannical”. At the end of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Zheng, nearby the capital Luoyang city , was oppressed by a number of garrisons. Until the Eastern Wei (東魏) court moved its capital to Yecheng (鄴城), and the Western Wei (西魏) invaded Luoyang for a time. In response, Zheng Wei (鄭偉) and other Zheng members recruited more than 10,000 people in the old Xingyang District. During the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi (北齊) dynasty, Zheng Boyou (鄭伯猷) became a bad example of Eastern Wei regent's rectification of official officials, and Wei Shou (魏收) compiled the history of the previous dynasty, with the support of Emperor Wenxuan(文宣帝), wrote down the uneven deeds of Zheng's family.
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    (六) 電子資料
    1. 中央研究院,《中華文明之時空基礎架構系統》第一版,(台北,2002年9月)。
    2. 林一翀,〈跋西兖州刺史鄭君殘碑〉,https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/dmE2kqvQT8J4gaSnCfAe9Q?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1kq9ybO6_rHAneD8hXAYkUyVlLBJb_7Kwqfmsa2Y_iAQoCg0U1FIGaAGU_aem_qpcr0t01v1ccf5RiSpOMkg&poc_token=HNV9eGajuxY0ppSWA8KNs3xa_46p-Q3QFb_LR76K 擷取日期:2024年6月23日。
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109153008
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[歷史學系] 學位論文

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