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    Title: 外商銀行私人理財業務之策略行銷分析—以X銀行為例
    Strategic Marketing Analysis of Private Banking Business in Foreign Banks: A Case Study of Bank X
    Authors: 謝佩庭
    Hsieh, Pei-Ting
    Contributors: 巫立宇

    WU, LI-YU

    Hsieh, Pei-Ting
    Keywords: 私人銀行
    Private Banking
    Wealth Management
    Strategic Marketing
    High-Net-Worth Clients
    Customer Loyalty
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 14:09:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在當今全球化與競爭加劇的金融市場中,外商銀行面臨著如何維持競爭力與擴大市場份額的重大挑戰。私人理財業務,尤其是針對高資產客戶的服務,成為外商銀行策略聚焦的核心領域。本研究基於對策略行銷4C與顧客關係對於財富管理服務的重要性進行文獻回顧,並以實際案例分析,探討外商銀行如何透過創新的策略行銷提升服務質量並優化客戶體驗。文獻綜述揭示在處理高淨值客戶需求時所面臨的獨特挑戰及市場機會,特別是在個性化服務與客戶忠誠度建立方面。



    此外,透過實施高道德標準和提高服務透明度,X銀行有效降低了客戶的道德危機成本,包括嚴格的合規培訓、透明的投資報告和定期的客戶滿意度調查,這些措施增強客戶對銀行的信任感,並深化信賴關係。最終,透過提供整合家庭、企業和投資的全方位財富管理解決方案 (FBI),X銀行顯著增加客戶的專屬陷入成本,這種策略不僅鞏固顧客的長期忠誠度,也通過個性化和全面的服務,深化與高淨值客戶的合作關係,使其在考慮轉移至其他財富管理業者時面臨較高的轉換成本。

    In nowadays globalized and increasingly competitive financial market, foreign banks face crucial challenges in maintaining competitiveness and expanding market share. Private banking services, especially those aimed at high-net-worth clients, have become a focal point of strategic efforts for these banks. This research conducts a literature review on the importance of strategic marketing and customer relationships in private banking services, exploring how foreign banks improve service quality and client experience via innovative strategic marketing, and highlights the unique challenges and opportunities in meeting the needs of high-net-worth clients, focusing on personalized services and customer loyalty.

    Using a case study approach, this study interviews wealth managers and executives at Bank X to analyze how the bank utilizes explicit unit benefit costs, information search costs, moral hazard costs, and specific entrapment costs strategically to enhance customer loyalty and market competitiveness.

    Findings indicate that Bank X, through precise branding and innovative services, effectively manages explicit unit benefit costs to reduce the expense for customers acquiring financial products and services, while enhancing value through added services. In terms of information search costs, Bank X uses strategic market communications and specialized financial services to significantly enhance brand visibility, making it easier for potential clients to access bank services and strengthening information transparency for quicker and more effective financial decision-making by clients.

    Furthermore, by implementing high ethical standards and increasing service transparency, Bank X effectively reduces clients' moral hazard costs, including strict compliance training, transparent investment reporting, and regular customer satisfaction surveys. These measures enhance trust in the bank and deepen client relationships. Finally, by offering comprehensive wealth management solutions integrating family, business, and investment services (FBI), Bank X significantly increases clients' specific entrapment costs. This strategy not only solidifies long-term customer loyalty but also deepens collaborative relationships with high-net-worth clients by increasing the costs they would incur if considering switching to other wealth management providers.

    This research provides practical insights for financial institutions on strategic marketing, emphasizing how to effectively utilize strategies to optimize customer service and enhance competitiveness. Future research is suggested to expand perspectives, further exploring the applicability and effectiveness of the 4C strategy in varying contexts.
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