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Title: | 探究理財機器人風險認知與服務品質 Exploring the risk perception and service quality of financial management robots |
Authors: | 沈家瑜 Shen, Chia-Yu |
Contributors: | 江彌修 徐之強 沈家瑜 Shen, Chia-Yu |
Keywords: | 理財機器人 風險認知 服務品質 Financial management robot Risk perception Service quality |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-09-04 14:00:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 數位金融時代的日益普及,提供人們理財機器人新的選擇。透過理財機器人可快速、有系統性評估投資人風險偏好,提供理財產品投資組合的適當建議,給予投資人選擇。同時,操作理財機器人突破時間和空間的限制。對於理財機器人提供的各項服務,投資人使用時的風險認知重要性及服務品質的滿意度,是影響投資者持續使用該服務的主要原因。
研究結果顯示:客戶的風險認知對使用偏好度有顯著性,而服務品質的滿意度對使用偏好度也有顯著性。因此,金融機構在設計理財機器人,應注重操作層面便利性,根據不同使用者提供量身訂做的投資方案,並適應不同風險承受度的投資需求,以增加使用者的服務品質滿意度和再使用意願。 The increasing popularity of the digital financial era provides people with new choices for financial management robots. The financial management robot can quickly and systematically assess investors' risk preferences, provide appropriate advice on financial product investment portfolios, and give investors choices. At the same time, operating financial robots break through the limitations of time and space. Regarding the various services provided by financial management robots, investors' perceived importance of risk and satisfaction with service quality are the main reasons that influence investors' continued use of the service.
The main research subjects of this study are users of financial management robots. The respondents have all used financial management robots from different companies. A total of 300 valid questionnaires were collected and revised by collecting questionnaires from various banks, and statistical software was used for analysis.
The research results show that, customers' risk perception has a significant effect on the use preference, and the satisfaction of service quality also has a significant effect on the use preference. Therefore, when designing financial management robots, financial companies should focus on operational convenience, provide customized investment plans according to different users, and adapt to the investment needs of different risk tolerances, so as to increase users’ service quality satisfaction, repeatability and willingness to use. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際金融碩士學位學程 111ZB1036 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111ZB1036 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [國際金融碩士學位學程] 學位論文
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