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    题名: 個人資料蒐集應用規範及案例探討——以日本情報銀行及臺灣MyData為例
    Study on Regulation of Personal Data Collection, Application and Case Study: Focus on Japan Personal Data Trust Bank and Taiwan MyData
    作者: 王子欣
    Wang, Tzu-Hsin
    贡献者: 莊弘鈺
    Chuang, Hung-Yu
    Wang, Tzu-Hsin
    关键词: 個人資料
    Personal Data
    Personal Data Trust Bank
    Personal Information Trust Bank
    Data Sharing
    Data Intermediary
    Data Trust
    Personal Data Transaction
    日期: 2024
    上传时间: 2024-09-04 14:00:28 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 個人資料的價值在近年逐漸受到重視,除了各種新興科技的開放上需運用到個人資料的採樣或分析之外,許多商業活動也需要藉由個人資料做上市前的研究和了解目標客群的回饋。正因個人茲料牽涉到的應用越來越多元且廣泛,蒐集、處理、利用個人資料的情境在近年也變得常見且需求攀升。隨著個人資料應用的機率增加,個人資料當事人對於個人資料保護的意識也逐漸抬頭,也因此近年各國政府對於個人資料相關的法規範都有進行修正,希望藉由法規範來對個人資料的蒐集、處理、利用等進行限制和保護,以確保個人資料當事人的隱私權或資料自主權等等權利。
    The value of personal information has been gradually emphasized in recent years. In addition to sampling or analyzing personal information for the opening up of various new technologies, many business activities also need to make use of personal information to do pre-market research and to understand the feedback of target audience. As applying of personal data are becoming more and more diversified and extensive, the collection, processing, and utilization of personal data have become more common and the demand for it has been on the rise in recent years. With the increase in the application of personal information, the awareness of personal information protection by the subject of personal information has also gradually risen. Therefore, in recent years, the governments of various countries have made amendments to the laws and regulations related to personal information. Governments of various countries hoping to restrict and protect the collection, processing, and utilization of personal information by means of laws and regulations, so as to ensure the privacy or self-determination right of personal information.
    In recent years, many emerging technologies, such as big data analysis and AI modeling, may need to use personal data for simulation tests or as training data depending on the field, have brought more attention to the balance between the protection of personal data and technological development. Recently in Japan, which has a similar legal framework and a similar social environment to Taiwan, the government has promoted the “Personal Data Trust Bank system”. The system with the aim of enabling private organizations to act as a central unit for the collection of personal information, to filter qualified third-party units that come to obtain personal information, and to provide personal information to such third-party units. By using such system, the person who had provided personal information can be protected through the provision of personal information, and that the person who had provided personal information can gain consideration by providing personal information. The Japanese government hopes that this system will enable the effective utilization of data, and that it will also enable the provision of personal data to be rewarded and the value of personal data to be better understood by the public.
    This article utilizes methods such as “case study method” and “comparative legal research” to explain the structure of the existing Personal Data Trust Bank system and the current practical application cases through studying and organizing the literature related to the Japanese intelligence banking system and the Japanese personal information protection law. This article organizes the corresponding laws and regulations in Japan, compare the differences between Japan and Taiwan, and introduce the MyData platform, which is a government-driven data-sharing policy in Taiwan. This article explains whether there are any obstacles to the promotion of an intelligence banking system similar to the Japanese system under the current legal system in Taiwan. Also, the article compares the differences between the government-promoted data-sharing policies of the two countries, i.e., the Personal Data Trust Bank system and the MyData platform. Finally, this article describes the strengths and weaknesses of the Personal Data Trust Bank system in order to make some suggestions for the system.
    This article proposes that Japan's “Personal Data Trust Bank system” is a well-intentioned system that enables subjects who provide personal information to receive a price for that information. Also, such system enables entities that have a need to utilize personal information to realize that personal information is a resource that should be acquired at an appropriate price. However, such a system does not provide enough profit margins for personal data trust banks to make a profit. In addition, the Japanese people are still distrustful of the provision of personal information, which has hindered the promotion of this system in recent years despite its good starting point. Therefore, this article suggests that the Japanese government should start the data sharing by the public sector first, and then implement the system in the private sector. Raising the public's awareness of providing information should increase the success rate of “Personal Data Trust Bank system”.
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